is this a problem (butch t discoloration)



ribbedturtleneck said:
The purple on the shoulders is just a suntan. No problem.

The hole is pest damage. Pick it and scrap that one.
What ribbedturtleneck said ++.  But want to add that the suntan will grow out when it ripens.  On the ones with holes, want to add toss it far away, burn it, put it in the trash or something.  The pest is probably still in there.  Might as well get rid of it.
AJ Drew said:
What ribbedturtleneck said ++.  But want to add that the suntan will grow out when it ripens.  On the ones with holes, want to add toss it far away, burn it, put it in the trash or something.  The pest is probably still in there.  Might as well get rid of it.
do you think its fine if i chopped it up and washed it up real good so i can just toss it in the pot with the soil?