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Is this an aphid?

pinched this sucker off a tomato plant and found a little green devil


I'm assuming its an aphid??

I will be sending it to its next life soon
Looks like an aphid to me. I have seen them different colors like pinkish, orange, red, green. Ladybugs favorite lunch!
that's an aphid from what i have read. i grow indoors however, not much experience on my end with bugs.
cant you spray them down with pyrithrin? or even buy lady bugs?
yup an aphid i hate them little suckers!!! no pun intended
the ones good one is a dead ones

had red ones this year on my tomato's !!

killed them with dawn dish soap and water and a little peroxide in a sprayer, they didnt show up again until about two weeks ago, i suppose its because the lady bugs and lace wings are done for the year, oh well winter coming and there gonna soon be out of luck

you can also use pyrethrin or permethrin they work good too and kills alot of other pest too

plant dill,yarrow,mint any or all they attract lady bug,lacewings and other predatory insects that love to eat aphids
hope this helps
thanks joe
I had a basil plant infested with them a last season. The ants were farming them. I might have a go at making my own oil detergent mix I have read about. Don't know where to buy ladybugs.
now if only those lady bug eggs actually arrive safe and sound to my country, i wouldn't have to worry about pests for the rest of my life. lol.
Nice site but I seriously doubt Australian Quarantine regulations will let live bugs in. I found a place in Australia which sends native aussie bugs like lacewings to destroy aphids. But i might just go the oil for now because there are very few bugs atm.
Hi Megamoo,

If you want to get some ladybugs, try emailing these guys: nyamutin@westnet.com.au

Good luck!

the only place in oz that I can find that sells lady bugs is: http://www.ipmtechnologies.com.au/

well actually they are not currently available. But its hard to search for them here in the us for over there in aus. good luck, if you get some I would recommend putting some netting over them if they are not in a green house.
I had my first aphid attack this year. They were in full force when I noticed. I used Neem 3 times over a period of about a month and I think they are 99% gone. I found a few ladybugs in the garden and put them in the greenhouse to hopefully get the last 1%. The one thing about using Neem that bugs me is now I am concerned about picking pods off the plant and immediately eating them. Now I have to wash them first. One of my joys in life is playing around in garden or GH and eating chile pods while I work. I think my next strategy for next year will be to use ladybugs in force from the beginning as a preventative measure and not wait until its too late
One or two neemings usually does the trick for me too. I have somehow always been lucky enough to catch them early.

The ones that always get me are mites. Those little buggers always hit me with the sneak attack!
I just sprayed all my tomato plants with this stuff that has chilli and garlic in it. All these little flies came up and went nuts. There were ants as well which were not happy.
