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I ha some yellow "brain strain" from Judy @ pepperlover & also some red Moruga Scorpions. They were very different in taste.

Heat level is hard to gauge when on a scale of 1 to "wow that's friggin hot!" the needle pegs for both.
The 7 Pot "Jonah" has always thrown the bumpy looking pods too, I have pics of some really wild ones, and ones that look like
BS. I have a 7 pot jonah X yellow Scotch Bonnet that resembles Yellow Brain Strain & Yellow Moruga. The "jonah" originated in
Trinidad too and was brought here by a Trinidad native (Jonah) in 2006 or so.
The 7 Pot "Jonah" has always thrown the bumpy looking pods too, I have pics of some really wild ones, and ones that look like
BS. I have a 7 pot jonah X yellow Scotch Bonnet that resembles Yellow Brain Strain & Yellow Moruga. The "jonah" originated in
Trinidad too and was brought here by a Trinidad native (Jonah) in 2006 or so.
This year I've grown plants from Cappy's Brain Strain and Duffy's TSMB, both seeds from the original source. I'm curious to grow these out for myself and see what I get.
They just might. Is there another TSMB other than Duffy's in the lineage?

Neither of them claim to be the "original source" or anything like that. If only it were that simple...

Here's a thread with both of them commenting on the topic:
That is a really cool looking pepper Butch. Did you make that cross?
It was a accidental cross, I had my scotch bonnets and 7 Pots growing next to each other
one another several years ago, the first thing I noticed was some of my Scotch Bonnets were
getting really hot, then the bumpier pods started showing up, so I started saving seeds!