Is this brown streak with white hairs normal??

Hello again!

So my reaper is about 2 days away from death but my scorpion looks like it *might* be turning around...

So I've noticed on my Thai plant it is starting to grow brown streaks starting at the nodes. I'm afraid this is some type of fungus or mold since I've overwatered the crap out of all my plants the last few weeks. They look very healthy otherwise and even have a few fruit growing. I just don't want to lose another plant!

Any thoughts/info is appreciated!

Thanks for all the help! Definitely makes me feel better (and less like a noobie grower that doesn't know anything  :lol:)! If I can just manage to keep at least these 2 plants (varieties, technically) alive I'll be happy...
I think if you look more closely you'l notice the plant is turning purple, not brown, as a result of anthrocyanins as Chili said above. 