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pests Is this buggy ..

I am not very good at identifying buggys!
I saw this guy on my plant and wonder if I should squish him or let him hunt?


I've never seen anything like that here in Texas, nooooo clue on what that is. Creepy whatever it is.

Yup, let him hunt...

...once ya get past the beady lil eyes, it's really kinda cute... :cool:

Thats cool! The lil guy would not leave no matter how much I shoved the camera in his face! :lol:
Like he was guarding his territory!
Thanks guys!.

I really like how tough those assassin bugs look, they look meaner than praying mantises.

That impaler looks like it can do some damage, grasshoppers and katydids better beware!!

I'd tie a leash on it to force to do guard duty. I'm also joking, but come to think of it, it may not be a bad idea......
yep that's a wheel bug nymph (arilus cristatus), a type of assassin bug. I see a lot of them on my plants. They stick their rostrum into insects and inject poison and suck out their insides. :cool: They eat big insects, even things like caterpillars.