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seeds Is this color abnormal on seedlings?

Hey guys once again newbie here, check out these pics of a few starts I've grown as experiments the newer leaves are yellow is this normal? These all were potted very early into 4 inch pots around12/17. I used Black Gold soil worked in some bonemeal and coffe grounds. I done have a PH meter yet (will have later this week) I just need one of you old salts to give me your 2 cents ; )




Hey guys once again newbie here, check out these pics of a few starts I've grown as experiments the newer leaves are yellow is this normal? These all were potted very early into 4 inch pots around12/17. I used Black Gold soil worked in some bonemeal and coffe grounds. I done have a PH meter yet (will have later this week) I just need one of you old salts to give me your 2 cents ; )





Maybe a little over watered,How and how often are you watering them? It looks like you are top watering from the drops of water I see on the leaves. If you are, try bottom watering. Only water when the medium has mostly dried out.
They are actually very dry, I just misted them with a spray bottle. I think early on I was overwatering.
So this color is nothing to be alarmed over. Do these look ok overall? I am such a indoor/container/Superhot rookie lol. I've already had a couple that I over fertilized ... It's just a whole different ball game than growing outdoors from starts.So water from underneath heh?
On the same boat. A couple of my seedlings have new yellow growth.
Anybody with input on this would be appreciated.

The seedlings get completely dry before I water them.
Trying a foliar with epsom to see if this helps.

They are actually very dry, I just misted them with a spray bottle. I think early on I was overwatering.
So this color is nothing to be alarmed over. Do these look ok overall? I am such a indoor/container/Superhot rookie lol. I've already had a couple that I over fertilized ... It's just a whole different ball game than growing outdoors from starts.So water from underneath heh?


Without knowing what type of lights and cycles your using it's hard to be specfic, Although the plants look normal from the photo, I would suggest a small amount of a Nitrogen product watered into the grow medium.
the Black Gold (texas tea) sounds like a good mix without the meal or the grounds, I try to keep grounds, meals and composted products out of the house. I've been fortunate the last few years with no "bugs" indoors....Try to keep your plant medium on the dry side., the roots will appreciate that. Too much water can cause rot, and attract fungus gnats.I can tell if the plants need watering just by the weight of the containers. My downstairs growroom is cooler and a bit damp. Those plants need water only once a week at most. Theres hardly any evaporation at 70 degrees.. Now my main grow area runs about 85 degrees with the lights running 18/6. I may water every other day with the seedlings, twice a week with the large plants

Good luck,
On the same boat. A couple of my seedlings have new yellow growth.
Anybody with input on this would be appreciated.

The seedlings get completely dry before I water them.
Trying a foliar with epsom to see if this helps.

Try it, The medium your using may not be sufficent enough with certain minerals. Thats common with most seed starting mediums that are soiless and peat based.

I start giving my plants some highly diluted nutes at their size


My lights are HO T5's on 16/8 cycle. I was using the coffee grounds as someone told me that I needed my soil to be acidic and that that was the way to do it. What type of nitrogen ferts would you recommend. I'm a little spooked I have another 2 plants that I accidently OVER fertilized. Now I'm gun shy lol. The yellow is normal .. humm.. sure is a different world in pots .. ; )
Mine usually look like that with the new growth, it just seems to take a lil while for the green/chlorophyll to make it around. Not just peppers, my citrus trees do it to when they have a flush of new growth.
6-6.5 sounds more like it. I don't think coffee grounds are the best thing to mix in with the soil. Wouldn't the soil start to heat up and compost?
Peppers like it acidic. Your seedlings look normal as can be. A litte food would green em up. Also, extreme fluctuations in temp between day and night will cause the new growth to be yellow for a while.
The Guru....nailed it, I missed that one. Temp. flucuations can cause it especially with the 16/8 cycle. Place a themometer at plant level and check it out at peak before the lights shut down and just prior to start up. Mine run 24/7 until I pot them up to 3" pots. Then they're moved to another grow area where I run it 18/6...... Check out a local nursery or online for a start-up root stimulator or liquid fert. I stay away from the granules to be mixed in the watering can because when you get to the bottom the last little bit is always more consentrated in the w/can, and you can O.D. the little seedlings... .I use liquid only when indoors, but use a granular 10-10-10 outside in the beds and containers

You're growing good Spankys!

I just learned a ton of good "how-to" info in a couple of pages from Greg about using diluted weak ferts at the early stages. There's some product suggestions info in there also:

PIC 1 fert dilutions
Just checked my high/low temp inside my tent. Is 68 low and 82 high a drastic temperature change? If so ... I'll just run them 24/7 till they're bigger.
Just checked my high/low temp inside my tent. Is 68 low and 82 high a drastic temperature change? If so ... I'll just run them 24/7 till they're bigger.

I'd like that temperature all summer......plants do have to rest, and the slight dip might be refreshing...I was more concerned with a difference of say 80+ with the lights on and 60ish during the rest period. Hence some people have cooler garage set-ups or damp concrete basements that only heat up with the lights.

Try the weak bit of food


So you are saying to give them a little nitrogen? Should I water it in or spray them? I have just never saw plants yellow like this. On a side note could PM you I have some questions about the type of nutes you use and maybe some rules of thumb for using ?