Is this Copper difficiency?

Hi Guys. I went thru the manuals and the closest to solving my issue is maybe a copper diffidence. The leaves bend upwards on the sides. i have about 2 plants going thru this.
Our soil have alot of lime, if that might be something.


It could be several things, deficiencies being one. Looks like a possible calcium deficiency, but too high ph results in nutrient lockup. Also, too heavy on nitrogen can do the same, as too much can prevent the uptake of minerals, especially calcium. The raised bumpy areas on the leaves looks like classic calcium deficiency, but the way they turn in looks like over fertilization. I personally don't add any form of nitrogen, except what is naturally occurring in the soil mix I make. So it could be a number of causes. I doubt its a true copper deficiency, but I could be wrong. Consider the ph being too high, too much use of ferts, lack of minerals in the soil such as calcium, and even too much watering. Could be one or several of these, or something else.
AaronTT said:
It could be several things, deficiencies being one. Looks like a possible calcium deficiency, but too high ph results in nutrient lockup. Also, too heavy on nitrogen can do the same, as too much can prevent the uptake of minerals, especially calcium. The raised bumpy areas on the leaves looks like classic calcium deficiency, but the way they turn in looks like over fertilization. I personally don't add any form of nitrogen, except what is naturally occurring in the soil mix I make. So it could be a number of causes. I doubt its a true copper deficiency, but I could be wrong. Consider the ph being too high, too much use of ferts, lack of minerals in the soil such as calcium, and even too much watering. Could be one or several of these, or something else.
Got to say I have a heavy hand on Nitrogen. I will add calcium as well as I have been low on that. Thanks for your input.
Martino said:
Got to say I have a heavy hand on Nitrogen. I will add calcium as well as I have been low on that. Thanks for your input.
You welcome, and I hope the problem is corrected for you soon.