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Is this "Jump Start" Light System Worth it?

Will this Hydrofarm "Jump Start" system really improve the growth of my seedlings for the 3 months or so that I need to use artifical light?


Looks pretty decent and relatively inexpensive but the lamp appears to be standard flourescents and not really sure about the bulbs.

Is there something better or could I improve this particular system with different lamps?

Opinions much appreciated. Thanks.
redeyes said:
if it was me i would go with T-5 lights they are the best!!! if your going to be using this for awhile i would invest into something good like this http://www.texashydroponics.com/shop/product.php?productid=1991&cat=286&page=1 it does cost a bit more but you could do other things with these lights like lettuce,and spinach,anything leafy,basil and more look at the big picture... good luck!!!

I actually like that T-5 fixture. Seems very affordable and much better for getting my seedlings to a nice size before I put them out.

The only thing that I would need to do is figure out how to build some sort of stand contraption that would house the fixture and allow me to adjust the height level from the plants.

Definitely going to consider this one...

get some chains and hang it from the ceiling or i am sure you can make something that will work !!!they work great man for sure it is worth the $$$ ... :hell:
The t5 Looks a good buy PeteyPepper and will Jump start you into a new growing season certainly,Not a bad system all told :)