Is This Nitrogen or Magnesium Deficiency

Can anyone tell me for sure if this is Nitrogen deficiency? After looking at some posts and guides that is what I'm getting,only other thing I'm getting is magnesium. If so what can I add?


solid7 said:
what is your soil mix? Your feeding schedule? Anything and everything about your grow...
The soil is peat/pine/perlite/compost with a little soil mixed in feeding is every 2 weeks with full strength according to the bottle of foliage pro. Water when dry
What is the ratio of your soil mix?

I don't know foliage pro, but I think I'd probably have a slow release fertilizer to accompany that. If you have plants outdoors, and you get a heavy rain, it is tantamount to a soil flush. (for liquid nutrients)
Everything is mixed equal parts,except soil,only it is at less then 1/2 part. No rain during the span that it happened,we only had rain the last 2 days for the first time in 2-3 weeks
So, I would not have added any soil into that mix, but it will probably be OK. Just get a slow release going in there with the liquid ferts, and you should be just fine. I'd tell you to top dress with coffee or worm castings, but you don't need any heavier structure.
solid7 said:
So, I would not have added any soil into that mix, but it will probably be OK. Just get a slow release going in there with the liquid ferts, and you should be just fine. I'd tell you to top dress with coffee or worm castings, but you don't need any heavier structure.
That helps a lot,after looking i see both are a good sources of N, I also found other sources for soils and amendments and what they do

Again thanks for the help again

I'm making a home composter for my next project,besides the super hits I will need it for the wife's gardens