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Is this plant sick?

This is a "Chef Jeff's Worlds Hottest Pepper" I believe it's a red savina and so does chilehunter. Posted in mywelcome thread.
What's happening is, I have tons of buds, perfect flowers, the pods start to form and they drop. Stem and all. I freightened. Well maybe not but I am concerned.

I am no expert but it looks a little on the yellow side. Maybe too much water?? Maybe needs a little nitrogen? Also think it could use a bigger pot, unless that plant is really wide its home looks a touch on the small side. Otherwise good looking plant. See what everyone else says, 10 opinions are far better than mine. :think:
I agree with gardenkiller that it needs to be in a larger pot, but I think you immediate problem is that it needs iron.
How do I provide iron? I fertailzed for the first time on Saturday (prior to that would just have my friend Tim talk to them, He's full of B.S.).
pao1x said:
How do I provide iron? I fertailzed for the first time on Saturday (prior to that would just have my friend Tim talk to them, He's full of B.S.).

Was the fertilizer you used complete? As in, did it have all the micro as well as macro nutrients needed by plants? If so, just give the plant about a week and it should bounce back. If not, you'll need to find a complete fertilizer. Once you repot the plant it might correct itself as well.
I agree it probably needs potted up. I'm using a "super secret organic fertilizer recipe" from a local nursery.
Hopefully a common sense(larger pot) and some patiences will do the trick.
I said I believe what you have is the caribbean red hab not the red savina. once you get pods to form & grow you wont be disappointed with the flavor & heat.
I hope I'm not disapointed. I potted up to a 3 gal. pot. Add a little fertalizer and a very small amount of water. When I was squezzing the smaller pot to release it, water was coming out the bottom. Too much water also I think. I won't give it any until probably Fri. or Sat. now. It's going to be hot, in 90s again tomarrow, then cool down to the upper 70s. I guess I'll know in a few days.

The plant has grown quite a bit mostly outwards and getting bushy. Now that is in a much larger pot and hasn't been watered since I potted up, amazingly the flowers are staying on and the first official pod has formed. It's about the size of a pea and it looks more are soon on the way.

Can't wait now!
Glad it worked! In the future if you are repotting for an unknown ailment, more fertilizer is definitely not recommended! But all is well that ends well. Let us know how they are!
A little cal-mag and/or seaweed extract can help with water chlorosis or generally anemic plants. We use very dilute solutions to avoid any buildup of salts. But it sounds like potting-up helped alot.
I would of watered the plant when upgrading to a bigger pot, unless the the soil with the plant had enough moisture & the new soil you were adding to the container was moist also, but if both were kinda on the dry side I would of watered the plant. also its to late to say this but for next time you potup break up the roots some before putting them into the new bigger container, doing this is like kinda telling the roots to start growing more since they have more space to grow = bigger chile plant.
chilehunter said:
to late to say this but for next time you potup break up the roots some before putting them into the new bigger container, doing this is like kinda telling the roots to start growing more since they have more space to grow = bigger chile plant.

I definetly will do that, I have 6 orange habs to pot up on Sat. I bought them on sale at a local nursery for a $1.49 for 6 plants. They were still in there germenation flats. 8"-9" plant in a 1-1/2" pot. I potted them up to 8"-10" containers until I get more soil this weekend. They look a little peeked, wrinkled leaves, some yellowing of leaves. After 4 days they are starting to flower. I'm hoping for t he best.