pests Is This Rottening or Bug Problem

Most of the pods in rhis plant and other pods in other plants are the same they looked either munched in or rotten, i grabed one and it felt rotten kind of like cilantro wen it goes bad lol

The sun has been pretty intense this few days at 104* maybe its that but there is black flies all over all day because of my ducks -__- and alot of leaf miners
Not sure what causes it, ive got a bellpepper that has the end of it lookin a lil rotten.... Plus it could be this triple digit heat weve been gettin..
MY jalapenos had this happen last week out of the blue, the ends were just gone and they went from green to red in one day. FFs all over!
I have Calcium from Xtreme Gardening, ill give those a shot, also were can i get Some of those Shading Cloths, I can Used them For my Manzanos, Its pretty Ghetto How I Shade them with dying Tomato Plants
Dang that sucks about the flowers, but the shade cloth you can get at homedepot/lowes it reduces 15 degrees outside temp its a 6' x 20' not to bad was using it for a while then just let them have the full sun.