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soil is this soil good for mature plants ?

40% coco
40% sphagnum
20% humus


if i will add some % of building sand it will be better ?
I'd use half the coco and make the other 20 percent sand. To 8 liters of the mix I' d also add a couple handfuls each of powdered dolomitic lime to increase the pH and add magnesium, rock phosphate and bone meal to add phosphate, calcium and a little nitrogen. When possible, water with rainwater. If your humus is worm castings, you can leave out the bone meal. Good luck
Sorry but i dont have the other stuff that you say to add

I replace the sand with loam soil and change the others so it can be:

30% Loam soil
30% compost
10% humus (from worms)
20 % peat/coco
10% vermiculit/perlite

The % ok?
You should be able to get Rock Phosphate in your area because it's mined in the Negev area by Rotem Amfert Negev... http://www.iclfertil...BUHomepage.aspx

I suppose the bonemeal could be problematic if it's considered treif.

Dolomitic Limestone is quarried in the area around Jerusalem and it wouldn't surprise me to find that stone dust and spoil left over from quarrying are bagged and sold for agricultural purposes. There's a link here... http://en.wikipedia....Jerusalem_stone

Good luck!
Wow, thanks!
I didnt know all of that
I will try to getand add tthis stuff to the mix

And generaly, how is the mix that i gonna make?
Ok here is my mix, you should be able to find a local potting soil wholesaler, like I did.

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]A local soil company that supplies our nurseries dropped off the base mix, [/background]its a good mix of local trees and sand, guessing it would be 60/40 wood/sand mix, I put it[/font] in bins wet it then cover it, rainwater also drains into the bins. After a couple months and checking it every couple weeks, I mix it 50/50 with the base mix. Then it gets cut with peat and perlite. The final ratio would be 50% composted soil mix 40% peat and about 10% - 20% perlite.

I modified the above paragraph since its post, I also add Epsom salt to my mix, along with extra perlite. You can see pictures of how I make my potting soil in the link below.

wow, thanks for the info!

right now (and for the next 4 years) i live in an apartment so i cant do that "cooking" (i wish i could or had a place for that)

so i have 4 years to get ready to be a "pro farmer" ;)