sun Is this sunburn?

I moved my plants from getting 5-6 hours of sun to 7-8 because they have flowers and needed more light. Half of them have been losing 2 or 3 leaves a day from anywhere on the plant, they look like this: 

Is the sun burning them or am I not giving them enough water? They are in a location that gets much warmer than where they were before.
sp33d said:
I would say affirmative sunburn on the left and deficiency of some sort on the right ....
They are blooming/ a few pods. would dilluted 18-21-21be good or do i need bloom fertilizer?
More light = more growth = more need for nutrients.
While the pattern doesn't look like classic magnesium deficiency, a pinch of epsom salt wouldn't hurt, IMO.
 (Assuming your fertilizer doesn't provide Mg already.)
Ditto on what everyone else wrote.  There is no sign they aren't getting enough water.  Judge that based on a high level of leaf droop (whether watering causes a recovery to a less droopy state within ~ 20 minutes or so) and/or soil moisture more than 1" below the surface.
You could try relocating them to where there get more shade between afternoon and evening.