sun Is this sunscalding?

Hi guys, some of my pepper plants which were put out rather abruptly have started losing pigmentation. The leaves are feeling a little thin too so I'm guessing its been the few days of 28-30C heat (strong sun). Sorry for the night time pics.



Yep, I am gettting some feed back from both different peppers and tomatoes and it is either the second and third year for some peppers; my tepin just decided the change in environment was too much and drop almost half its leaves.
Notrod said:
Looks like it to me. Ease them into the sun and they will be just fine

Well I am lucky because the next few days will be a bit more moderate - not so blisteringly hot. Might give them a chance to adjust.
I got that on a few of mine- its seems my hardening off plan was too many hours the first couple of times out- however, the plant has responded by producng at least as many new leaves as those that were damaged- and they dont seem to mind the sun at all!
Got a few myself SV that got some burn that i didnt give them enough hardening off time. They come back fast. a very minor setback.
I also have done it, I cut the burnt leaves off after the new one start coming out, they come back pretty quick.