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Isolating individual pods...?

Is it possible to isolate an individual flower so that you can save the seeds from that pod or do you have to isolate the whole plant? I would like to save some seeds for my own use and to share we others but I don't really want to go to the hassle of isolating all my plants. Any advice would be much appreciated. Cheers
Sure you can! There is different ways of doing it. I use organza bags (small ones) or gelcaps (you can buy them from ebay).

I really like the gelcap as you put it on the flower before its open ups. and as soon as you see the pod forming you try to take it off gently.

In short: Yes you can isolate selected flowers/buds and have them pure.

In the plant isolation thread someone mentioned just covering the tip of the unopened flower in elmers glue. Works like gel caps.
Thanks for answering my question Oscar. Tell me more about these Gelcaps. I had a look on eBay and all I saw was gelcaps for like medicine. Are they what you put over the flower?
Yes it is, there is different sizes of those you should use the transparent ones. I use Size 2 they are a bit big for C.Chinense flowers but works if you put some saliva or water in them then stick it in the bud.

Or Buy different sizes for different flower types. thats what i will do next year.