isolating pods

Hucklebuck said:
I am curious, how do people isolate pepper pods so their is no cross pollination. Bedsides the obvious grow only one kind of pepper.
There are lots of different methods and opinions about it. I like barrier isolation using fine mesh material. This year I'm trying 5 gallon paint strainers. You can get 24 for 25.69 on Amazon.  Tulle fabric is cheap too, but you'd spend a lot of time sewing or hot gluing the sides. I tried that last year, it was a pita to make, but they served their purpose. 
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I use white glue to glue the petals of an unopened flower closed. Right before the petals open, apply a tiny bit of Elmer's glue to them to seal it closed. If it doesn't rain and wash off the glue, the petals will balloon up and not open, keeping the pollen inside. It might take a few tries, so don't give up.

I line up my pots, Pubescens, then chinense, then baccatum, then frutescens, then annuum, then Pubescens, etc. The only pots of chiles I put next to each other are the exact same cultivar of the exact same species. Pubescens are a good plant to have in between other species, since they will only really cross with other Pubescens. I isolated one of my Guatemalan red rocoto plants today because it was growing more sleder elongated pods compared to the rest of the standard bulbous shaped Guatemalan red rocoto,even though the flowers look identical between all of them.

All of my beds of plants are the exact same cultivar/species as well.

Obviously, even with this method there could be possible cross pollination, but it really minimizes it. Plants that I really want to keep pure, like the Aji Pacae, I have a barrier around them of Pubescens.

I learned this skill from GIP BTW, and every seed I've grown that we have traded has grown true.
Hucklebuck said:
I am curious, how do people isolate pepper pods so their is no cross pollination. Bedsides the obvious grow only one kind of pepper.
If we are talking pods, it is too late.  Isolation has to take place before flowers open or it is pointless.  I forget what the stuff is really called, but I call it agricultural bridal cloth.  Its really easy to build frames from two by fours, but I think most people go with something smaller and lighter.  We have tons of wind here, so I cant get away with light weight anything.  Have seen folk growing in five gallon buckets who put a tall chunk of bamboo in the bucket, drape and duct tape.  Seems to work fine for them.  Mine would blow away.
