It has begun...

Careful my southern neighbour, some of us lumberjacks grow great peppers. Its true that it costs us 3 times, but thats because we have to order seeds from you's americans eh.

My whippet's tail pepper. 27cm pod so far. Sorry thats about 10 1/2 inches

More pics soon. Yellow, red and orange habs are starting to ripen
First year I've grown them, don't know about taste. I got seeds from the chileman for the Whippet's Tail challenge. Check out international results at and also check the database there for Whippet's tail. Its the longest and fastest growing pod I've ever seen.
P_Schneider said:
Jalora I believe. I got those seeds from Fatalliman so maybe he could tell me if I have them labeled wrong.
Paul, they were jalora, and I sent you seeds that were mostly annuums and grow prolific to our upper midwest region. the santa fe grande was a seed I recieved from a friend in Texas that grows 30 acres. if you would like any other varieties to try, let me know.
Hey T.
I gave up cross breeding peppers about 4 yrs. ago.
Lotsa time and brain space used.

It does help to know people that do that for a living and get paid for it though:)

I would be interested in purchasing rocotos by the "lot" come fall, as you stated in another thread.

Well the harvest is in full swing here in Minnesota. It's starting to get chilly at night so the peppers have really been turning the last week or so. I've been making chipotle by the freezer bag full along with a fair amount of dried chiles as well. It's been a great season so far.
I'm thinking about trying my hand at some hot sauce creation but haven't decided how I want to go yet. Salsa is also on my list of to-do's.

I've updated the pepper gallery with the september pics I've shot so far.:)

Hope everyone elses crops are doing as well!
Mine aren't doing so well....and I'm in New Mexico fer crissakes! I might get about 10 bottles or so of sauce. I'm really dissapointed.