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chinense Italian Habanero

Ok, I hope this isn't a dumb question but has anyone heard of an italian habanero that is suppose to rival the heat of a bhut? I have a fan page on facebook of Bhut Jolokia's and in the pictures, there is a cartoonish picture of a pepper monster and it states that it is a Habanero Mannaro......1.2 million scovilles. Grown by moonlight. It seemed dumb but I looked it up on Google and an Italian gardeners website came up with it in some forum. As I do not speak nor understand Italian I couldn't get any information. Is this real?
Well I think it was suggesting that someone from Italy started this.....not really from there originally. It just sounded interesting enough to inquire a bit more about it.
So many people claim to have their own world's hottest pepper and some have recorded very high scoville ratings but there is more to be the hottest than just one simple unauthenticated HPLC test. I spent many years chasing down the hottest peppers, but I just can't be bothered anymore with so many newsuper-hotties varieies being introduced all the time.
Personally if there's anything out there hotter than the Scorpions that I'm growing then I wouldn't even want to try them, even the scorpions are just too much in my opinion