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Its a new season and im back.with questions

hey all first I would like to say im glad to be back for another season.and now to the question.I just 2 weeks ago started some black pearls,various superhots,fish peppers and some jalapenos.well they have been in the window getting about 2 or 3 hours of sun a day and i just bought a 17 watt fluorescent grow light well i put them under it for about 5 or 6 hours and now the little guys are dropping the only two leaves they have and killing over.i am placing the light about 3 inches from them anyone got any input on this?
First off, 17 watts seems extremely low. What kind of light is it? Even in early growth like this if you have several plants you should have at least 1 or 2 CFLs at 42-45W or equivalent. Second, what are your temps like near the plants? If your light is 3" away that seems pretty close, it's possible that you're burning your plants as well. Is it very warm under the light? Third, are the leaves dropping off or just drooping? If the plant is drooping over it's most likely either underwatering or keeping your light too close.

Pics might help. Good luck!
well the light puts off very little heat i keep the room around 75 to 85 at all times.the lumens are i think only around 1100 i was only wanting to start them indoors then move them outside in a few weeks but they may not live that long lol.

im only using one of these cheap things. http://lightsofameri...ow%20Light.aspx

and the leaves are falling off completely
Post pix of your set up area and the plants even if they are keeled over. What kind of soil, how much watering you doing, how's the drainage in the pots? Is the 3-hrs sunlight thru the window a direct blast? How did your grow go last year and what are you doing different?
well last year i just let them stay in the window till time to go outside thats really the only thing im doing different is the lights.i think ill just shut them off and do it like i did last year.ill try to get a pic in a bit. o yea and one more thing.i just started my bhuts and trinidads sunday night and they havent sprouted yet is this normal
ok here are 2 pics one of my setup and another is just from my plants i grew last year they are carrib. reds

will this setup be fine it is actually one 17 watt grow light a cool white i think.and a 20 watt aquarium light also a cool white.i only need my plants to be under this setup for about 6 weeks maybe 7 at the most so will these 2 lights be enough for that short time span before i put them outside?
and here are my carrib reds from last year i overwintered these and this is what they look like today.
Hey, those growing pucks look dry. That will kill them off for sure. Put them in a proper plant tray and water them, let it soak from the bottom. You don't want any leftover water standing when you're done watering, but you need to keep those things moist all the time.

Your over-winter Carrib Reds look great, what's your secret to their success? If you could rig a shelf up by that window for the little seedlings, it might be better than those lights. If you can't move them up by the window, keep the survivors as close as possible to the lamp.

And don't be spraying any Air Wick freshining product around there. Damn chemicals in place of real air, IMO. Could easily kill seedlings, and I really doubt it does people any good also!

Good luck!