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Its a sad sad day

So after a very bountiful growing season I had packed my freezer full of peppers. Had so many that I had to store some in a 2nd freezer. Everything from Yellow Scorpions, Red, Yellow and Choc Bhuts. Yellow 7 pots, Carribean Red Habs. Freezer was so full that I could barely close the lid. Well, I found out earlier this week that the freezer got unplugged for about 3 weeks or more. I lost all of the peppers in the freezer every last one was gone. Still not sure who or how it got unplugged.
I have had the freezer out side airing out all this week. Fortunately most of the peppers and tomatoes were in vacu seal bags so not alot of the "juices" got out. Although some of the bags were just ziplock bags and they leaked every where.
Tis a sad sad day, but give me more determiniation to fill the freezer again next year HEHEHEHEHEHE
That's a real bummer, Rob.  I feel your pain, though.  Back in September, I returned from a week away to discover my refrigerator had become unplugged.  Like you, I have no idea how it happened.  I didn't lose any peppers, but steaks and chicken in the freezer and everything perishable in the fridge.
 That happened to me too this year. It sucks when 6 months worth of pods goes to waste.  :confused:  It did  put a fire in me to process my peppers quicker though . 
Always a good out of a bad  ;) Well almost always .  :rolleyes:
Thanks all, yeah it really sucks but has renewed my spirit to grow more, better and more next year. 
Dulac - I did make a boat load of powder though. I have sugar maple smoked fatalli, yellow scorpion/red cayanne mix, CRH, Ghost, cherry smoke scorpion, and a bunch more. I have like a quart and a half of yellow scorpion. HEHEHE. I do have some peppers that were in the other freezer but it is maybe only 100 or so total.
ArkansasJack - That looks like a great investment, will have one of those before I start freezing again next year
Impending- LOL I had offered to send some peppers to another on here that had lost theirs, No here I am. LOL
Jamie - I hear ya man, always gotta look for the positive. I will be starting to germinate some seeds this week or next to get a nice head start on the season for next year. 
Sawyer - Ouch that sucks dont know which is worse, losing peppers or losing steak
I let the freezer air out for a few weeks outside on the deck, figured it was nice this past saturday (close to 70 degrees) so I broke out the cleaning supplies and did some cleaing and scrubbing. Got the freezer all nice and clean and moved it back inside and ready to go for the coming grow ing season. Will start germinating this weekend, hoping to have the plants at about 2 ft when they go in the ground but that is another thread for the glogs.