It's about that time

This morning when I got up and left for work it was raining and about 50F. It just puts me in the mood for chili. Time to dig out "AJ's RED' and make up a pot.

What about you all? Chili time?
Chili season for me starts around now when the weather cools off and the hunting season is under way, and will last until it warms up around July
Chili season for me starts around now when the weather cools off and the hunting season is under way, and will last until it warms up around July

Took the words from me perfectly, Season just started bout amonth ago when the weather finally dropped and it continuously rained....
I love Chili!

I usually start making it when the weather changes and it gets cooler. In fact, I'm behind on it this year. IT'S TIME!!!
i didn't make AJ's Red this weekend, but did make some up on sunday. let it simmer away for about 2 hours before eating it. it was so good - i'll have to make more soon. I want to experiment some next time, so i'll have to make up 2 pots - one for the wife/kids and my other experiment for myself. just means more chili for me! in fact i brought leftovers to work for lunch today. (yeah i know what am i doing with leftovers? there shouldn't be any).
AJ's Red rules! I want some right now!
Shred Clay said:
I was already planning on chili and grilled cheeses tonight. Of course with some hot peppers thrown in the chili.
Find AJ's recipe here.
I miss Bubba and the other competetive chili makers who were once popular members here, there's really a lot to learn about making chili for judging and for the masses. I know a lot of chili cooks will add seasonings/spices at least 3 times during the cooking process to sort of layer the spice/heat. There is also a big difference between using ground meat vs. cubed meat, and the heat level can never be too crazy in competition.
Personally I like garden fresh with some kindney or pinto beans in my bowl of red, but they really do dominate the flavor of the chili so I always use in extreme moderation.
I also avoid habaneros and use less fruity and less hot peppers, usually I use mostly mild/medium mexican chiles and a lot of them, and then add my hotter peppers and spices at the end.
There is also a big difference between using ground meat vs. cubed meat...

i always use ground meat - what type of cubed meat would i use? just a cheap 'stew meat' since it's going to be cooking for a few hours anyway? pretty much anything should be tender by then right? what do you guys use ground or cubed?
I think tri-tip is what many use in competion chili, but any lean beef would probably work. For ground meat I use ground chuck whenever possible
Ground beef is easy, but cubed is a really great way to go. Just takes a little more effort.

This time of year makes me think of long slow crock pot cooking. That means beef stews of all sorts.

Then again, it's been a while since I made Buzzards Breath chili. Damn I'm getting hungry.