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Its Hot out here!

My Peps have been on injured reserve in this heat wave. All of my other veggies are suffering too. I'm trying to fill a new pool and water at night. My well pump has got to be screaming for some relief!

Anyone else have any problems or heat related issues?
OOOOO yea. Its about 105 F here right now. My plants shut down the second the sun hits em. Look completely wilted and I almost hate to look at em. I'm waiting for the sun to go behind the nurse tree right now so I can feed em some AACT. THey perk back up very fast as soon as that shade is over them. Flowers seem to be holding on so far. Weather is gonna cool down to low 80's tomorrow and some 60's at night i seen on the forecast. So my fingers are crossed.
its 80 here by mission bay in San diego, one of the hotter days we have had lately

80, sheeesh, what luck! I wish. I just pumped over 14000 gallons into a pool for 4 days and the heat wont let up. My pumpkin plants and maters are sayin, FEED ME! FeayyEEd MEaaEEE AAArrGHHH.
got a bit over 100 here again today. all of my peppers have stopped flowering and i picked all of what was on the plants today for fear of them dropping due to the heat. hoping to hit them with some type of nutrient that will promote flowering (bat guano maybe?) once the weather gets back down to 80ish, hopefully that'll happen soon. on the plus side i just removed all these from the plants this evening:

on the negative side i have no idea when i'll get more...
Respectable haul there cb. It will cool down eventually...........I hope.

Consistent 103 - 104 all afternoon today, all the way down to 97 now. T-storms around but are north of where I'm at and moving away. Come on rain, desperately need it. Having to water pots every day, garden every other to keep them going. Peppers are still flowering and pods are still growing. Tomato plants are huge and loving this heat. Holding my own for now but would like a little assistance from Mother Nature.
What effect will 95 dgeree temps have on small, emerging buds? The leaves wilt after 30 minutes and look like cloth but they spring back after 15 minutes inside, but how about small buds? Will the sun and high temps harm them?
Don't Panic!

They grow peppers in Hatch, NM by the acre where average summer highs are in the upper 90's with really hot days going into the mid 100's and near zero humidity.
In my limited experience. I've noticed that most varieties of plants will stop flowering if the temps stay above 90 degrees and the nights are hot (75 or above) The flowers like to dry up and fall off or just fall off while they have just bloomed. Once the temps drop back down below 90, the plants begin to flower again. I haven't noticed any ill effects to pods that have already set though. I haven't had any fall off due to heat.
We got a major heat wave here today(and the whole week) it's an average for 105-115 in most of the country and it some places it reaches 120 :/
Not quite the 105-115 maybe but more towards august the 120 is usually only at the south of the country where its dry anyway so its less horrible.
All the plants in the garden looks like they are melting but they should be used to it and will recover at dusk.
I am having the opposite problem. It is usually in the 90's here as is the norm this time of year, but the rain is relentless and its not just a few showers. Its more like torrential, Jurassic park, jungle down pours every single day all day long. Its been this way for about a month ever since tropical storm Debby. My plants are being drowned :(
What effect will 95 dgeree temps have on small, emerging buds? The leaves wilt after 30 minutes and look like cloth but they spring back after 15 minutes inside, but how about small buds? Will the sun and high temps harm them?

Depends on how long it lasts and what type of Pepper -- If just a day or 2 you might lose a few that are at the right stage but shouldn't be too much of a problem -- We've got 95+ temps for about 2 months ( Mid June-July-Mid August) and the superhot plants pretty much stop producing ( some other varieties do much better) for that entire time on the Chinense the pods start to form at each branch and then while still very tiny they just dry up and turn black and fall off before even developing - we got a 4 day break in the weather where it was high 80s to mid 90s and my Bhut plant has about 50 buds forming now ( I have the plant in the shade hoping they will continue to develop and flower - but will not know until it happens) - IF you can get the pods to start to develop by getting the timing right with a break in the temps once they are pods they will continue to develop. Main thing in the heat is to be sure they have some water so they do not shut down completely and keep them healthy - then when the weather cooperates you'll get plenty of production.