food It's Jam time

Here's the problem ! Making strawberry jam this weekend, sad to say hot peppers not ready to pick yet. Which is better to add, powdered or frozen? Need your inputs. :)
frozen, they still have the moisture content. Dried might mess up the water ratio.
Didn't think about the water content. We have choc Habs, brainstrain, goatsweed, red/yellow scorpions, red/yellow/chocolate bhuts, fatalii. Any thoughts . Last year experimented with choc Habs powder, wasn't bad. Wanted to try something different. Anybody recommend using any from above list that are in the freezer now? And how much per pint?
We've used peppers that we blended with water using Biscgolf's wonderful peppers.
Using the blend we added 1-2 teaspoons of the peppers to the batch making 12 - 1/2 pint jars.
We've also tried the powder and were not as satisfied with the flavor as compared to the frozen.
We like fresh red or purple bhuts, but the blend is still sensational.  Thank you Biscgolf!!
I'm not familiar with goatsweed, other than it's a pretty popular chile. Strawberry/ red scorp, strawberry/fatalii and strawberry/choc? would be my first choices. Whichever choc has the strongest chocolate overtones would be interesting.

How much per pint? Weeeeellllll now..... 1/8th of a pod of these superhots will give a nice tingle, 1/2 pod per pint to light it up....beyond that....It's all up to you :evil: