• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

It's never too early to get started!

Sooo... 2022 season is over and most of my 2023 plants are already there - no reason not to start a new thread already! 😃

See my previous glog... https://thehotpepper.com/threads/2022-too-early-to-get-started.75362/

While all my current plants are technically overwinterers, only a couple have grown through the 2022 season and are considered interesting enough to keep for next seasons grow.

Let's start with the famous Schneider farms SB plant, which will be going into it's third season in 2023. It currently doesn't look all that nice but that was also the case during the winter of 2021 so no worries here...

20221203 132021 DC-LX100M2 10.90mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000376.JPG

Top view:

20221203 132038 DC-LX100M2 10.90mm f8.00 ISO250 P1000377.JPG

Next in row is my Scotch Brains plant...

20221203 132124 DC-LX100M2 10.90mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000378.JPG

Top view:

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And then there's the Humble Servants Homestead (HSH) SB, which was also elected to stay for next season...

20221203 132244 DC-LX100M2 10.90mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000380.JPG

Top view:

20221203 132259 DC-LX100M2 10.90mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000381.JPG
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Next up are the seedlings that I already started for next season a while back. I didn't want to take the risk of seedlings not willing to grow like I had at the start of the 2022 season which costed me a lot of time, and also a lot of seeds...

The SB7J was already started in August or September, can't remember exactly (I should check the 2022 thread...)...

20221203 131412 DC-LX100M2 12.50mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000369.JPG

Top view:

20221203 131438 DC-LX100M2 12.50mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000370.JPG

The 7pot brain strain yellow was started around the same time...

20221203 131651 DC-LX100M2 11.10mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000374.JPG

Top view:

20221203 131703 DC-LX100M2 12.00mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000375.JPG

And this is the KSLS (Khang Starr Lemon Starrburst)...

20221203 131531 DC-LX100M2 14.30mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000371.JPG

Top view:

20221203 131543 DC-LX100M2 14.30mm f8.00 ISO200 P1000372.JPG
So I already have a total of 8 plants going for next season. I recently had a JPGS seedling going but that one didn't make it. The fatalii seeds from Semillas that I planted didn't even germinate. I normally try to limit my grow to a maximum of 10 plants although usually there will be a couple more. I do not want to make the mistake I made last season with starting too many different varieties and then having to conclude that I don't have enough room for all of them. I'll have to be very careful in deciding which varieties to add to fill the remaining spots.

I do have a couple of candidates already:
  • 7pot burgundy : got the seeds of this variety years back but never grew them out. It is said to be a very nice variety and I love the color of the pods that I have seen on pictures. I hope my seeds will germinate because fresh seeds seem to be impossible to find. I will definitely give these a try.
  • KS peach starrkist and KS scarlet rose: the other color varieties of the KSLS I'm already growing. One or both may find a spot in my 2023 grow. If I only pick one it will most likely be the scarlet rose.
  • Scotch Bonnet WHP II : have these seeds for a while but didn't grow them out yet. Justin from WHP recently updated the description of this SB, stating that it is "very citrusy". This sparked my interest 😊
  • Scotch Brains 7pot pheno : another one available from WHP that looks like an interesting variety to me.
  • SB white/cream : got eliminated from the 2022 grow because of space issues (like the SB chocolate) but still interesting enough to give another try.
That's another 6 varieties. In theory that should be doable for my grow space but I have to be careful here, the large overwintered plants do take more space than the plants that are germinated at the beginning of the season...
So I already have a total of 8 plants going for next season. I recently had a JPGS seedling going but that one didn't make it. The fatalii seeds from Semillas that I planted didn't even germinate. I normally try to limit my grow to a maximum of 10 plants although usually there will be a couple more. I do not want to make the mistake I made last season with starting too many different varieties and then having to conclude that I don't have enough room for all of them. I'll have to be very careful in deciding which varieties to add to fill the remaining spots.

I do have a couple of candidates already:
  • 7pot burgundy : got the seeds of this variety years back but never grew them out. It is said to be a very nice variety and I love the color of the pods that I have seen on pictures. I hope my seeds will germinate because fresh seeds seem to be impossible to find. I will definitely give these a try.
  • KS peach starrkist and KS scarlet rose: the other color varieties of the KSLS I'm already growing. One or both may find a spot in my 2023 grow. If I only pick one it will most likely be the scarlet rose.
  • Scotch Bonnet WHP II : have these seeds for a while but didn't grow them out yet. Justin from WHP recently updated the description of this SB, stating that it is "very citrusy". This sparked my interest 😊
  • Scotch Brains 7pot pheno : another one available from WHP that looks like an interesting variety to me.
  • SB white/cream : got eliminated from the 2022 grow because of space issues (like the SB chocolate) but still interesting enough to give another try.
That's another 6 varieties. In theory that should be doable for my grow space but I have to be careful here, the large overwintered plants do take more space than the plants that are germinated at the beginning of the season...
Hey @MarcV , I do have a bag of 7 Pot Burgundy seeds from last year (WHP) so if you ever need some let me know!
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