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misc It's not a pod! FFS

Capsicum fruits are berries. Please, for the love of all things green, stop calling them pods. Before I knew better way back when I also called them pods. But it didn't sound right and so I confirmed: a pod is a dry fruit that splits along a seam or seams into two parts to release its seeds. Think peas or beans and you know exactly what a pod is.
So can we please drop the "pod" crap.
Technically correct, but the alliterative properties of the phrase 'pepper pods' is much more appealing.

I would expect people to not use the term banana berry or pumpkin berry or watermelon berry, even though those are also technically correct.

Also, most commonly named "berries", e.g. strawberry, blackberry, raspberry are not actually berries, but are aggregate fruits.

Anyway, I see your point, but most people use the term they are comfortable with.
ahhh noooooo - it's not so funny asking to see Bou's berries instead of his pods - although they could be berries 🤔

Wrong thread for this free attack Tink!!!
I always thought it was '7 pot', because it was said that one pepper would be enough to season 7 pots of stew?
Yes I always knew that too!

Well, if I have to say what pisses me off... they are the words "pepperoni" and "pepperoncini". In Italy peperoni means "bell peppers" and peperoncini means "chili peppers". I refuse to understand why (1900's Italian-Americans?) called a type of sausage "pepperoni". Also the double "P" seems like a Super Mario pronunciation to me, it gives me chills :mope:
100% Correct. Berries they are. From the first time I started paying attencion to" the pepper comunity" (2023) I was surprised that educated people all follow the same wrong line.

Like peas in a pod!

Capsicums are all berries just like Tomatos.

Capsicum fruits are berries. Please, for the love of all things green, stop calling them pods. Before I knew better way back when I also called them pods. But it didn't sound right and so I confirmed: a pod is a dry fruit that splits along a seam or seams into two parts to release its seeds. Think peas or beans and you know exactly what a pod is.
So can we please drop the "pod" cra
Fruit, pod, berry, pepper, hot pepper, chile, chili, chilli…..bigger things in the world to worry about on a social internet forum, as long as people know what’s being discussed.

Unless of course you all want to join me on thecapsicum.com :seeya:
Fruit, pod, berry, pepper, hot pepper, chile, chili, chilli…..bigger things in the world to worry about on a social internet forum, as long as people know what’s being discussed.

Unless of course you all want to join me on thecapsicum.co
Fruit, berry, pepper, hot pepper, chile, chili, chilli…. All good. Like calling men woman and girls boys. Everything goes nowadays.
I prefer calling it "Nuts" Totally nuts.