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It's Time, Going to Make My Own Strain, Suggestions Welcome!!!

I've been growing peppers for about 10 years now and I've always wanted to make my own strain, this year i think it's time. I got about 8 or 9 varieties of peppers growing and i already got in mind which ones i want to cross pollinate but any suggestions are welcome, lets make a strain together :)
This is my list of hot peppers i got growing this year:
7 Carolina Reaper Plants
2 Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Pepper) Plants
2 Devil's Tongue
4 Caribbean Red PlantsĀ 
4 Orange Habanero Plants
3 Tabasco Pepper Plants
2 Lemon Drop Pepper Plants
2 Cayenne Pepper Plants
My choice's are:
Bhut Jolokia x Devil'sĀ TongueĀ - Using the pollen from the Devil's Tongue to pollinate about 4 ghost pepper pods. I am also going to use the pollen from the Ghost Pepper to pollinate about 4 Devil's Tongue pods. I would love to see if i get a hotter version of the Devils's Tounge.
Caribbean Red Habanero x Lemon DropĀ - Two different species, Caribbean Red being Capsicum Chinense, and Lemon Drop being Capsicum Baccatum. I am interested to see what this cross pollination will produce as i know that you can mix strains. I am going to use the same method as above using 4 and 4.
I got a couple more in mind but i wanted to see if anyone had any ideas or feedback on a strain. Lets all make a strain together!!!Ā 
I am very excited and I've seen videos and been reading up on cross pollination for about two years now so i think i'm ready to get this thing rolling :)
I have no idea how to do this but i love the Jimmy Nardello maybe cross that with a hot pepper? or not like i said i know nothing about this stuff just happy to be a part of this site
Ive seen a few Tabasco x Chinense or baccatum crosses. Which often adopts the erect pods of the Tabasco plant, which I think is kinda cool :) your chances may be best with a baccatum variety but it is possible with the chinense.

Think about what traits you like in a pepper (heat, look, size or color) and make a lot of crosses so next year you will have a lot of possibilities to choose from :)

I wish you luck! Im hoping to start experimenting my own strain in a few years :)
Thanks for the comments and i'm hoping that i can get this rolling as i know its not easy. It's tough to do and it takes time, sometimes several years of cross breeding to get it right. I got my fingers crossed :)
Sinn said:
I have no idea how to do this but i love the Jimmy Nardello maybe cross that with a hot pepper? or not like i said i know nothing about this stuff just happy to be a part of this site
Sorry to hijack the OP, but I've got a Jimmy Nardello hot cross ... I call it "Hot Nards." Going on F4 this year.


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hottoddy said:
Sorry to hijack the OP, but I've got a Jimmy Nardello hot cross ... I call it "Hot Nards." Going on F4 this year.
Those look nice how are they?

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Sinn said:
Those look nice how are they?

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Sweet up front like a Jimmy Nardello, then a whoosh of heat - not too strong but enough to leave your mouth tingling. The people at the farm where they grow call them "sweet & hots." They were so popular last year, I'm growing a lot more and plan to sell them at the Boise Farmer's Market.
hottoddy said:
Sweet up front like a Jimmy Nardello, then a whoosh of heat - not too strong but enough to leave your mouth tingling. The people at the farm where they grow call them "sweet & hots." They were so popular last year, I'm growing a lot more and plan to sell them at the Boise Farmer's Market.
Very nice do you ship those? I would be interested in a some

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I think i might try Tabasco x Lemon Drop and Devil's Tongue x Caribbean Red. Making my first F2 will be difficult and challenging but i am up for the task plus it will be fun. I did grow some Reaper seeds from pods i harvested, germinated and am growing also and i could have some cross pollinated Reapers as well, being next to so many different varieties last year, so I'll just have to wait and see.
Thanks for the suggestions guys it's going to be a interesting year!!