It'sd hard to let them go...


I am now at the cross-roads...selecting seedlings to give away/throw in the compost :( or keep to plant out in two weeks. I am planning on keeping at least 2 of each variety I have started and all of my super-hots, tabascos, and orange thais. I may have to get 50 more 5 gallon pots.

The first four I am giving away are Early Jalapeno, Mesilla Cayenne, Aji Limon (Chinense), and Criolla Sella. These will go to a co-worker. I have about 5 or 6 other co-workers that want some seedlings also. Most want cayennes and jalapenos (probably the only varieties they know).

I will have to get rid of over 200 seedlings and not enough of any particular variety to sell.

How do you folks choose which seedlings to keep and which ones to bin? I am just selecting the most robust looking seedlings.

I will be posting a list of what is going to be given away/composted by the weekend. If any of the members here are from North Texas want/need any of the varieties I am giving away, PM me and let me know and we can make arrangements.
Why dont you try some "experimenting" with them? Like I'm no where close to your amount of seedlings, but with some of the ones I dont want or the ones that look bad, I try to put them in different situations/climates. Some without light.. some in colder spots.. etc so that why if they die, you wont have to care that much because you didnt want them in the first place, and it will only improve your knowledge of what not to do.
space limitation....that is the biggest problem I will have...if I can get 200-250 container plants in the back yard I will be lucky, plus I am trying to make room for the other 400+ seedlings I started last weekend...
good idea joining now...thanks
I gave a few away. I started doing more seeds as they hadn't germinated then of course as soon as I did, they all came up. I've never chucked any away. I'm in the process of trying to save two seedlings from death.
Wow thats crazy... hmm I'm out of ideas really ha... maybe at night go around and plant them in other peoples yards and keep quiet about it, nothing wrong with a surprise pepper plant ;)
I did a bit of a mass slaughter the other day and I still have lots of super-hots to go. I like to do it when they are young so I am less attached to them and less money and time have been put in, but its still difficult.
put them on the curb with a 'FREE' sign... or start visiting out of town friends like mad and bring along a couple as gifts.
I have 4 of some varieties and so I cull the weakest ones as new varieties sprout.

Some varieties may eclipse others as well. When my T scorpions started coming up, the jalapenos went bye bye. I love japs, but you can buy good ones at the supermarket here.
I'll be happy to take some, AJ, once you decide what you want to get rid of.. I still need to make a trip to Ft Worth to pick up pots. :)
elequin said:
I'll be happy to take some, AJ, once you decide what you want to get rid of.. I still need to make a trip to Ft Worth to pick up pots. :)

Excellent...I was hoping you would want some...I will PM you when I get my "list" together...probably toward the end of next week sometime...
AJ, once you decide what you're going to toss, I might be in the need, my crop is still touch and go at the moment. I don't know how well they ship though...
Thats cool muda...just found aphids today and am exterminating...sure as the world don't want to give aphids to anyone...
mudatvs said:
AJ, once you decide what you're going to toss, I might be in the need, my crop is still touch and go at the moment. I don't know how well they ship though...

They can handle shipping very well. It can be a bit pricey, through. has the best plant shipping boxes I've ever seen, but everything I order from them comes through looking great.
Can't get myself to throw anything. :( Even now have 3 dying seedlings all yellow and leaves falling off but I won't shuck em till they are completely gone. :(