Ive got blooms/nodes/pods on all but......

My CCN Thai Giant Orange and its driving me nuts. The plant looks fine other than the leaves are somewhat dull. Not very shiny at all. Today i moved it into an area that will get more full sun. There are tons of spots that look like they are going to have nodes but still nada. CCNs website says its a 70-90day mid season producer so im scratching my head on this one.
Its in the same potting mix and given the same nutrients as all the others that are doing fine including other annuums. My Numex and Tabasco were lagging a bit too but now ithey are producing too.
Today was picture day so......


There have been 2-3 leaves that look like this for a couple weeks. They are a bit darker green and have odd spots on the center vein.

Very strange. Sometimes if you stress it a little bit it will kickstart production. You can try a few things if it doesn't start budding soon, maybe trim some leaves, stop giving it nutes and lower the amount of water/how often you water it.
People might tell you to give it less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium but I feel like that's been debunked by now. If all your other plants are producing and you just can't get this one, it could be sterile or just a total genetic mutant. 
Good luck!
Well it was just taking its own sweet time. There are some very small flowers or the beginning of flowers on in this morning. I did sprinkle a little Epsom salt on the soil when i moved it. Not sure if it helped since it was a very tiny amount. Color seems a tiny bit off still. Next watering i will give it some fertilizer.