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I've got true leaves!

I must be living right. I don't know what I'm doing so differently from last year, but after planting the first wave of seeds on January 26, I had the first hook from everything except the _chinense_ varieties by the 31st, and I got up this morning to find the first little pair of true leaves emerging on several of the seedlings!

Particulars: Seeds are from Fedco, the Chile Pepper Institute, and a few left over from Peppermania last year. I'm starting them in a Jiffy tray, with some off-brand organic starter mix that happened to be what the nursery had, on a heating pad that keeps them usually around 82-85 F. They've had a light since first emergence---just a 2-tube worklight with a couple of generic bulbs, since I expect to have them outdoors pretty quickly. The full census:

Thai Hot (Fedco): 11/12 emerged, lookin' good
Czech Black (Fedco): 11/12 emerged, big happy plants, true leaves on two of them
Feherozon (Fedco): 9/12 emerged after a slow start
Uba Tuba (CPI): 10/12 emerged, kind of leggy, having trouble getting out of their helmets
NuMex Twilight (CPI): 12/12 emerged, ridiculously fast and robust
NuMex Suave Orange (CPI): 6/12 emerged, maybe more coming (first hook was on the 4th), look healthy but slooooow
Fatalii (Peppermania 2012): 7/8 emerged, small but solid-looking so far
Mystery seeds (Peppermania 2012): 4/6 emerged
Habanero de arbol (Peppermania 2012): 4/5 emerged, 3 look like survivors, true leaves on one
Las Cruces Cayenne (CPI): 9/12 emerged, big cotyledons, true leaves on two

I'm especially happy with the strong start of the Fataliis as I had kind of poor luck with them last year; they seemed to stall easily at certain stages, but maybe this batch are getting a better launch.

I tried to post some pictures, but didn't yet get it to work. Further bulletins as events warrant.

Looking forward to the pics fellow Powaian! Nice percentages!!! :dance:

I think it's "Powegian". :-)

Just took a look at your glog thread, and holy crap. How do you get them pumping the first leaves that big that fast---is it mostly about the light level? Maybe I need some more worklights and a foil enclosure in there.

Any success I've had, I credit mostly to my 4-year-old son. He poked most of the seed holes, and he and I have been going in there morning and evening to chant "Go, Seeds, Go!" Laugh if you will, but I say it works!

Here we go, I got the pictures working.

Cayenne with true leaves:

The Uba Tuba helmetheads, with some Twilights in the foreground:

And the surprising early start from the habanero de arbol:

One way to prevent Helmetheads, bury the seeds a little deeper. Other than that, it looks like you got good Germ rates.
Congrats. You should hit Shane(STC) up for some seeds. ;)

He has some good varieties, just dont piss him off, he looks like a Navy Seal.

Good luck on your 2013.
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Powegian it is...better than the seed offer, I have a TON of extra plants so stay tuned, I will be offloading some to friends and thp members here in about a month. [/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]The right lights, soil and water schedule is all you really need. [/background]
One way to prevent Helmetheads, bury the seeds a little deeper. Other than that, it looks like you got good Germ rates.
Congrats. You should hit Shane(STC) up for some seeds. ;)

He has some good varieties, just dont piss him off, he looks like a Navy Seal.

Good luck on your 2013.

Lol..I am a pretty big dude I guess. When Denniz came down to pick up some of my excess plants last year he saw me out the window and said him and his wife almost just kept driving. I am harmless enough...ish. :rofl:
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Powegian it is...better than the seed offer, I have a TON of extra plants so stay tuned, I will be offloading some to friends and thp members here in about a month. [/background]

As long as nobody tells my wife where the extra plants are coming from! :-) All I've got to offer is the saved seed from a mystery piquin that popped up in my garden---I never planted any such thing, I have no idea where it came from, but the pods are darn good and I figured I'd see if it grows true. You're certainly welcome to some if you want to take your chances!

Lol..I am a pretty big dude I guess. When Denniz came down to pick up some of my excess plants last year he saw me out the window and said him and his wife almost just kept driving. I am harmless enough...ish. :rofl:

It ain't the big intimidating guys I worry about, it's the wiry little quiet ones with the eyes. The scariest people I know generally look pretty ordinary and unassuming. (Similar situation with peppers, come to think of it!)

I never have any time, but drop me a PM if you want to get together sometime.
