• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

J.H.Skarby amateur growlog

It's my first time doing this, so please correct my mistakes and.. Be gentle.. :)

I started some of the seeds in late 2018 going through to febuary 2019.
Due to harsh weather conditions my plants has only been placed outside recently on a permanent basis.
There is a lot of wind where I live, and in this country the temps have been going up and down - much like how the wind blows..

Some plants have been severely set back by these conditions.
I expect nothing special of my plants - with a few exceptions where som plants have been producing flowers and pods for a while now.

I grow Peppers etc in soil but am using coco coir during the winters, occassionally. Im experimenting with fabric pots to see if they work any better than plastic and to test their durability. I bought them from china in a 3 gal size which is approximately 10 litres for us Europeans.
This year the grow is expanded with common kratky systems made of styrofoam.

My grow list looks like this :

Aji Limo
Aji Pineapple
Black Scorpion Tongue
Bolsa de Dulce
Bonda Ma Jacques
Brazilian Moruga
California Reaper (Reaper x JPGS)
Caramel BBG7
Caramel TSMB - this one dates back to 2017
CGN 21500
CGN 21566
Chocolate Reaper
Chocolate SB x?
CP 115
Douglah x Chocolate Butch T Scorpion
-El Scorponero? Was labelled as Peach Scorpanero - but I suppose it was mislabelled after reading on this forum.
Fidalgo Roxa x Grao de Bode
Peach Reaper x? Dark strain
Peach TSMB
Pimenta da Neyde
Rocoto Cristobal Colombo
White Fatalii
Wild Brazil
XXL Longhorn SLP

I also have a huge Wildtomato Small Egg, some herbs, Cabbage and Strawberry plants.

Aji Pineapple has produced peppers for me throughout the winter this year, so Im happy about it.
XXL Longhorn SLP is producing, along my Cayenne, Cabai Burung Ungu and Bolsa de Dulce.

So far my Carbonero produced 2 ripe pods and it's putting out more buds atm. A very nice Pepper!

BMJ has produced 1 pod which is a Carbonero cross.

Here is a few photos. Keep in mind that my outdoor setup still is a work in progress ;)


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Looking really good Jannick, and awesome grow list! Nice to see so many fellow Danish growers on these forums! :dance:

Hope the summer is treating you well too!

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lespaulde said:
Nice to see so many fellow Danish growers on these forums!
Sent from my ZTE A2017U using Tapatalk
I have to say I am impressed by the grow spaces
I have seen in the Scandinavia grows.
You guys do it right!
Thanks Paul, just trying to learn from the best I suppose! [emoji2] That, plus having to give the plants the best shot in the crazy climate that's not quite pepper friendly.. But then again, no need to tell you that, as you have refined how one should grow in short seasons to perfection!

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Thanks a lot Les! :)
Been trying Hard to find some great stuff to grow.. Sometimes a bit too hard :D
Oh, so you're Danish too? Which part of the country do you come from?
It's been nice for me personally but for the plants? Not so much :/
Hope yours are doing better than mine are!

lespaulde said:
Looking really good Jannick, and awesome grow list! Nice to see so many fellow Danish growers on these forums! :dance:

Hope the summer is treating you well too!

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A little update on my grow.
It's great to have an ongoing project. These days it looks as if it would be coming together nicely.
One problem though.. The winds are beating up my plants really bad these days. :(
Honestly I don't expect much of a harvest from any of my plants after the setbacks encountered already.
Most plants are losing foliage and flowers rapidly..

Enough whine from my end..
Heres a couple o' photos! The last one is with what I believe to be a Scorponero - peach version :D


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Alright guys!

It's been a rough couple of months.
Sadly, a close relative passed away and We've been so busy.

Things are working out nicely with the peppers and tomatoes though!
The weather took it's toll on all the plants outside but they sure bounced back like champions. It's amazing to see how nature is designed to cope with all kinds of weather conditions :D

Not so long ago my plants that were inside the house had a nasty aphid Attack. So, now they are all outside.

At first I'll show you my Caramel TSMB

Seems the aphids are gone from this one!
It desperately needs a new pot or at least some fresh soil.. It produced more fruits last season so I guess it needs a heavy trimming for the winter?

Next, I would like to take you to our cozy corner. Tallest plant here is a Small Egg tomato, but we can see Bolsa de Dulce in the back trying to keep up.
This pepper is not only tall it's also one of my best producers this season. 2nd wave of peppers are about to ripen up now

Im so happy about the BOC as well! Its producing!!! Yeah! :D

Quadrato D'asti Giallo is yet another Pepper to surprise me this year. It was looking dead for a long time but here it is with big fruits on it!

My biggest surprise is my Pimenta da Neyde. This one is not taking no for an answer!

Carbonero is still a favorite of the season. It produced two huge pods early and now its litterally a sea of buds. A definite keeper for the coming season.

Next up is Rocoto Cristobal Colombo. Wow.. I've never had a Rocoto pod before. These are so extremely juicy and sweet that even my wife wants them next year. It's putting out wave 2 of pods atm

I have to stop for today but here is an overview of most plants :-)

Catch you on the flip side!
Quick update.

Here is my BMJ. It has a couple of pods growing on it atm but you can easily tell this pepper is not really made for open areas in Denmark :O
Nevertheless it still stands!

Looked at my CP 115 plant and found several pods on it. This one is by far the coolest one yet

And Wild Brazil is doing great too!
A ton of flowers all over the place - hopefully we will see some of those famous pods soon :)

That's all for now ;-)
Just stopping by for a final update of this season in my newbie glog.
You will easily tell why from the photo below..


It's only a fraction of the aphids I have to deal with at the moment.
My PDN was looking good towards the end of the season, and I even got a couple of ripe pods on it :-)

Experimenting with cloth pots was a success imo. It worked great for plants outdoors - but I wouldnt recommend it for indoor growers unless you have some drip irrigation system to feed the plants on a regular basis.
Its nearly impossible to overwater and it aerates better than plastic pots do.

Cristobal Colombo Rocoto is the star of the show.
Slower seed to harvest rate than most other plants of the season, but the quality of the pods make up for it.
The aphids that went crazy on my plants has been avoiding this Rocoto all along.
Its my first time growing a Rocoto so it could be a coincidence, but I hope the plant is aphid resistant in the future as well :-D

Thanks to those of you who stopped by and took your time to read my walls of text. I do appreciate it! :-D
What a shame, does damn things can ruin everything. If you get yourself a greenhouse and some "useful insects" you could protect your crop next year :) 
Which of your pods do you want to grow next year? and what could you recommend of all your varieties? :) 
Thanks for stopping by, mild! :)
Yeah it's been a challenging season for sure :)
I am looking at greenhouse options once in a while. I'd like to build one myself but then again it would be easier to buy one secondhand instead ;)
It's definitely something I need to have to progress my grows.

So far my favs of the season (haven't tasted pods from all of my plants yet) are :

Aji Pineapple - well yeah.. Its goes for just about anything. We use it fresh in salads or dried in a pepper mill. Very useful and prolific pepper.

B.O.C. - there's nothing I dislike about this plant. Delicious pod taste.

Bolsa de Dulce - most non-pepperheads will be able to eat this one. Low heat, great flavour and very prolific.

Carbonero - The foliage alone makes this one amazing pepper. The amounts of peppers you can get from this small plant is hard to ignore. The taste is up there among the best. Very Hot! It's my personal #1 of the season

CGN 21566 - stunning plant. Great flavour and about mid-level heat.

Peach Scorpanero - the taste alone is enough of a reason to grow it again. My plant grew clusters of very Hot peppers.

Peach TSMB - somewhat similar to Scorponero in taste but a more prolific plant. Also a nice choice for coming seasons.

Rocoto Cristobal Colombo - this one blew my wife and I away. I have to grow it next season too.
Its unlike any other pepper I've had - but also my first successful Rocoto grow.

My Wild Brazil didnt produce a single pod.
CP 115 has great phenos but I have yet to taste it.
Reaper produced 0 pods.
Caramel BBG7 was more of an orange to me - Not very exciting tastewise but packs the heat.
California Reaper is slowly ripening. If this one tastes good then I have no reasons not to grow it in 2020 - very nice phenos :D

Mildfruit said:
What a shame, does damn things can ruin everything. If you get yourself a greenhouse and some "useful insects" you could protect your crop next year :) 
Which of your pods do you want to grow next year? and what could you recommend of all your varieties? :) 
Kudos for a great season, JH! Like everyone this year,
seems there are bright spots, and some not-so-bright  :rolleyes:
I guess when we don't grow in the perfect climate, we
have to accept the vagaries of Mother Nature! 
Anyway, I am impressed by what the growers in Northern
EU are able to accomplish. Looking forward to see what
you do next season...
Very interesting with the Rocoto Crisobal Colombo, I've never heard of that variety before. I had a lot of trouble getting pods last time I tried a rocoto variety, maybe they didn't like the inside of my often very hot growtent? :P 
Also very cool with the success of your superhots! 