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plant-care Jalapeno dying.

I have been growing in Florida and my plant is not doing too well. The leaves are turning yellow except the vein area and the very edges are turning brown. Growth has halted and some leaf loos has occured. This seems like a nutrient deficienty but I have been giving it Dyna gro foliage pro 1tsp to 1gallon ratio. The potting mix is a 3:1 coco coir perlite mix. The pot is roughly 8 gallons with 6 1/4in holes for drainage. The plant is kept out of the heavy Florida rains and only gets its water from me. The water I give it is plain tap water with 1tsp of dyna gro. I plan on testing sool Ph soon. Attached is a pic of the plant.


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Have you been pH adjusting the water prior to feeding?  Have you got any kind of buffer in the media?  How often are you feeding?  Does the container get hot during the day? (and further, what is that container made of?)
1. No
2. Buffer?
3. 2 times a week
4. Florida temps have been in the 80s and 90s lately The plant is shaded by noon. Only gets direct sun in the morning. Have to have it under cover as it rains heavily in florida and I'm afraid of overwatering.
5. Plastic
If you're going to grow outdoors, you'll not want straight coco and perlite.  You should have put 10% worm castings, by volume in there, after you mixed the coco and perlite.  That's your nutrient retention.  Then, there's the matter of pH.  You should know that our environment is extremely alkaline.  My rain water sitting in barrels will quickly rise to ~8 pH.  A buffer would be something that will keep the substrate pH in check.  I like to let the compost help with that, but some humic acid from leonardite is nice, too.  And finally, I can't say that the heat is a problem for the pot, but I can't rule it out.
2X a week on the feeding is pretty heavy.  You should really get an EC meter, and do a slurry test.  There's no way you'll have a nutrient deficiency feeding 2X per week.  More likely you've got a lockout.
Just went out and got a ph tester. The reading came back as 8 which is as high as the meter goes. I have reduced the Ph to 6. Hope it bounces back as there are now very few leaves left. Probably going to prune back and top off to get more growth on the stem.
Gamer217 said:
Just went out and got a ph tester. The reading came back as 8 which is as high as the meter goes. I have reduced the Ph to 6. Hope it bounces back as there are now very few leaves left. Probably going to prune back and top off to get more growth on the stem.
Fingers crossed it's all good after that. 
Gamer217 said:
Just went out and got a ph tester. The reading came back as 8 which is as high as the meter goes. I have reduced the Ph to 6. Hope it bounces back as there are now very few leaves left. Probably going to prune back and top off to get more growth on the stem.
You still need to run an EC check.  You've put a lot of nutrients in there...
Down to 8 leaves left but I guess healing will take time. Ph was back up today, hair below 8 but at least in the meter range. Hit it with more acidity to try and bring it down to 6 again.
Gamer217 said:
Down to 8 leaves left but I guess healing will take time. Ph was back up today, hair below 8 but at least in the meter range. Hit it with more acidity to try and bring it down to 6 again.
If you have a problem with overfertilizing, you will need to flush, then start back up slowly.  The pH adjustment is for the flush cycle, and for *when* you begin to feed again.
But unless you're willing to check EC, it's really all just a crap shoot, anyway.
Gamer217 said:
Will look into getting a tool to ec check. Flushing with plain water and acid.
In the interest of simplicity you're better off repotting it, washing all the old growing medium off the roots and then putting it in some decent potting mix with no fertiliser whatsoever. Just water it when dry
Powelly said:
In the interest of simplicity you're better off repotting it, washing all the old growing medium off the roots and then putting it in some decent potting mix with no fertiliser whatsoever. Just water it when dry
That's not a great idea for a mature plant in a hot, high humidity environment.  It isn't really all that simple.  I've had very mixed results with that method here.  The traditional "overwinter" is not as easily do-able at this time of year.
If one were so inclined to do this, I'd take it indoors and put it under lights.
That being said, it's just a jalapeno, and you can probably still pick one up at the local stores, for what it's worth.
solid7 said:
That's not a great idea for a mature plant in a hot, high humidity environment.  It isn't really all that simple.  I've had very mixed results with that method here.  The traditional "overwinter" is not as easily do-able at this time of year.
If one were so inclined to do this, I'd take it indoors and put it under lights.
That being said, it's just a jalapeno, and you can probably still pick one up at the local stores, for what it's worth.
I didn't really want to tell him to throw it in the bin, but what I recommended is still a lot better than just leaving it how it is
Powelly said:
I didn't really want to tell him to throw it in the bin, but what I recommended is still a lot better than just leaving it how it is
Fine.  You didn't want to tell him to throw it away.  But like I said, plants in the hottest and humidest days of summer, don't like to be uprooted and replanted.  You gave a not very great option, and I qualified it.
I'm just relaying my own personal experiences with that.  I've lost too many plants, when I relied on the optimism that I could save them with a full transplant in the summer heat.  But like I said...  If one were so inclined to do that, they'd want to take it indoors, under lights, for the best chance of success.
Do you think that there is something wrong with that advice?
Powelly said:
lmao every single post is negative and hostile
You seem to be mistaken, or else you have a very low threshold for disagreement/differentiating opinion.
There was nothing negative or hostile about my post.  (I'm actually very direct when I'm being either of those things)  My last question was, "Do you think that there is something wrong with that advice?"  That was, and still is, a valid question.  If you think that I gave the wrong advice, I think you owe it to the OP to clarify your own position, or state why I might be wrong.  This honestly isn't about you and me.
I try not to give anyone advice that I feel would potentially fatal to one of their plants, without properly qualifying as such.
Aaannndd Aphids. Probably a goner at this point, out out leaves. Going to keep trying. If I restart it'll be at the start of the next season.
The Jalapenos I grew in Florida did terrible, same in Hawaii in comparison to Nor Cal. I think it was the constant humidity.