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Jalapeno Growing Question

I rescued an Apache Jalapeno plant from a Fred Meyer store yesterday. Sorry no pictures yet. It is 10 inches tall, fairly healthy looking, but has more pods starting than leaves. There must be 100 pods on it already. The plant obviously needs potting up. Here are my questions. Should I pinch some or alot of the tiny pods now to promote leaf and stem growth? Should I use a fertilizer that will promote leave growth? My goal is to bring it back to balance so it will fill up with leaves and get taller. Thanks.
I'd probably pinch most or all of the buds and give it a bigger pot with a bit of compost or fish emulsions for a kick of nitrogen
Definately pinch the pods off and repot it, Jalapenos, for me anyways, seem to always grow quickly. Likw Potawie said, give them some fish emulsion, nice quick boost and wont burn the plant. You can get a quart bottle at Lowes/Home Depot for less than 10 bucks, it will last a long time.
I took the advice and pinched all the buds. There were at least 100, if not more. The plant is pretty top heavy and has many forks with many branches. The relatively few leaves are also small. I also potted up to a 5 gallon bucket and added fish emulsion. Tomorrow I am going to go back and buy another one and not pinch any buds just to see how these two plants compare throughout the summer. This store had a back wall with alot of neglected tomatoes and peppers. I saw at least a dozen jalapeno plants like this...all buds and tiny leaves. Bizarre. I will try to follow up with pictures.