food Jalapeno / Mango Hot Sauce

I made this w/ 25 Jalapenos, a couple hot cherries, 1 lg ripe Mango, a whole garlic ( I love garlic), 1/2 sweet onion, 6oz rice vinegar, water to blanched ingredients, and some salt.



It turned out delicious!!! I turned out w/ 5 total jars
Thx, my habs aren't ready yet, but that was the 1st time I used Mango in a hot sauce, didn't know if I would like it or not, but man its good, I already went thru a whole jar, its on my scr eggs w/ cheddar cheese every morning now, thinking bout smoking some pork butts and trying it on that, making me hungry thinking bout it!!!!
Nice.Hit it with some fresh grated ginger root and see how you like it.A friend and I made a mango pie with pumpkin Habs(no seed), mango, fresh ginger and fresh ground nutmeg a while back. The ginger was just noticeable(in a good way).
He's from Grenada, so the spices were his movie. Go easy with them. They're strong too.