chinense Jalapeno or Serrano crossed with a Bhut?

Probably. I just got a couple hot wax that were crossed with a bhut from my farmers market today. Shape and size is more of the hot wax but has a bumpy texture of a bhut. I will have to take a pic and post it. Hopefully it will show the texture.

Here's a pic. A normal banana from my garden on the left and the cross from the market is on the right. I put them next to each other to help show the texture of the cross.
Probably. I just got a couple hot wax that were crossed with a bhut from my farmers market today. Shape and size is more of the hot wax but has a bumpy texture of a bhut. I will have to take a pic and post it. Hopefully it will show the texture.

Here's a pic. A normal banana from my garden on the left and the cross from the market is on the right. I put them next to each other to help show the texture of the cross.
how is the heat on that thing?
Man that pod looks nice, give it a taste and let us know!

Well it pretty much tasted like a hot wax. Not much flavor but that was a bit expected. The heat was a big let down. It didn't seem much hotter than a hot wax. My guess is that I got swindled and it was just a funky phenotype but I only paid 50 cents a piece. Was worth the shot.

So it's a real thing? I was just trying to funny :)

They are just making up names. You would have to do the cross yourself and see what you get.

I think I may try this myself next year and see what I get. I got a surprise this year with one of my open pollenated seeds taken from last years choc habs. I think that it crossed with the costa rican sweet I had next to it. They taste like a red sweet pepper at first then the heat comes on, around a normal hab. The skin is on the thinner side though. The middle ones are the average size but there were a few larger ones.