Jalapeno TAM's..I'm such a loser...

Pam you must be right. Okay so I talked some smack about the 3 bitches. They went from completely dead,(or so I thought) to what they are now. Possibly exposed to radiation and now reanimating as some sort of zombie pepper. I'm now afraid to go to sleep. They're coming back to get me!!

I trimmed them back to this.

And now....

Don't you have to shoot zombie's in the head to kill them? Thang' is...where the fongool is the brain on pepper plants?
Same thing happening with my Jolokias...they're on their 3rd bounce back from death. Its been an emotional roller-coaster, the bitches!

p.s. Great fridge decor in the background.
Bent..I swear its a "woman thang'." Hey bro..I've got a review for your sauce manana. Stay tuned to this same bat channel bro.
Cheers! TB
Texas Blues, are you sure that plant doesn't have aphids? They can cause leaf drop, you know. The lower leaves in the second pic look a little speckled, too.
Yeah Pam..seems to only attract the aphids indoors. I use a spray bottle to hose them off. I think I have the problem figured out possibly. I bought the plants as starters from Home Cracpot and they came in earthen like paper cups. Said to take cut the bottom off and plant as is. Well I pulled up a couple of the non reanimated dead plants and the roots had barely any headway making it through the so called earthen paper. I am going to yank em' and repot. They should improve dramatically. Cheers.
Well I reckon I have the problem solved. After consulting a voodoo witch doctor, Dr. Phil, Chuck Norris and Spazzo the Clown, I visited the local Star Nursery and picked up a bottle of Bayer Power Force Multi Insect Killer. Its a pyrithren based sauce sprayed on in a squeeze bottle. Killed all the little aphid bastards attacking my TAM. I was reluctant to use the usual chemical based wombats and salves and balms and opted for the more natural ingredients in this stuff. It is the shizzet!!
Die, Aphids Die! After killin' em all and lettin' God sort em' out...I put on some Elmore James and planted some chives and Italian parsley and moved everything back under the grow lights on the shelf in front of the window. Shake your money maker baby!!