annuum Jalapeno Varieties


Quick update on the Mammoth Jalapeno: I just gave up on it, and am NOT growing this one again. Went outside a little bit ago to check on the plants, and when I got to the Mammoth Jalapeno I realized something was seriously wrong. It appears that the pepper that FINALLY begun ripening just a few days ago had totally cracked; there's a big crack around the stem where it is attached to the plant and another one going lengthwise down the pepper. So apparently instead of corking, the peppers on this plant just completely crack open. I know one thing, the ants were having a field day traveling in and out of the pepper.

Main negatives:

1. No corking; smooth, boring and ugly.
2. Takes an eternity to begin to ripen; about as long as the Jalapeno M.
3. Fruit totally cracks... just when finally beginning to ripen.

The fact that the plant is large and that the Jalapenos themselves are among the biggest in my garden this year cannot save this thing, it's actually been pretty disappointing from the start. It's outta there; just pulled it. Very, very disappointed.

Meanwhile, the first Jalapeno M is ripening and Biker Billy's ripening a few more too.
I actually have 4 of the Mammoth plants and they are doing well. Been eating them green and they keep coming. Finaly getting red ones from the plants.

Mucho Nacho I call my midget Japs :eek: 2 plants and they aren`t but 6" tall in a 7 gallon container. Giving me very small

Biker Billys :dance: highly productive, hardy, extremely tasteful as Japs go and hot!

Got 2 more plants that were labeled Jalapeno. Doing ok :)

Next year it will be Biker billys and PL`s Gigante only.
Mucho Nacho I call my midget Japs :eek: 2 plants and they aren`t but 6" tall in a 7 gallon container. Giving me very small Japs.
My Mucho Nacho Jalapenos could be described in the same way; short plant with peppers that are just a little longer than the Early Jalapeno and just a bit fatter (in diameter). Slightly differently shaped and so far no corking that I could tell. None ripening yet. If you're experiencing the same, I have to wonder... how can this variety be advertised and sold as a type bred to grow large peppers? They're even pathetic in size compared to the Jalapeno M, and that's pretty much the original and gold standard from what I understand when it comes to jalapenos! I heard people claimed this variety was weak in terms of heat; now, I'm starting to believe that that just might be the case. Certainly failed the size test so far.

Speaking of the Jalapeno M, I've got a few of them ripening now, so finally... it won't be much time to try them out. If it tastes like the Early Jalapeno, I'll think about growing it next year... sure, it's late to ripen, but the peppers are much bigger. They appear to be ripening to a bright red like the Early variety, but as expected, they're much later to ripen.

I really like taste of the Early Jalapeno... if only I could get them to grow bigger.
I pulled 5 semi red Japs off the mammoth about 2 hours ago and one has a large crack at the top :eek:

It was at the center of the bush so I didn`t really see it till then...

In 2008 I grew Jalapeño M. Nice flavor and heat, medium size. But, as someone else has already mentioned, the midsummer pods were quite a bit hotter than the spring or fall pods. As you can see in the pik here, the fall pods had very little to no corking, even after they turned red:

In 2009 I grew Biker Billy and Jalapeño Early. The BB's were grown in shade with lots of hardwood mulch, and the Earlys were grown in full sun in a very hot and sandy garden, so it's not fair to compare the results, but I will anyway. The Earlys were very productive and every bit as piquant as the BB's, I would estimate 10,000-20,000 SHU, and had wonderful flavor and aroma. The main difference I saw was that the BB's were larger. (Sorry, no pix of the BB's; they're on another computer at home):

Jalapeño Early:

For 2010 I'm growing Jalapeño Early again, as well as NuMex Jalmundo. I believe because of the extreme heat we've had for the last 3 weeks the Jalmundos are corking and blushing before they reach full size. But the fruit I have tasted so far is excellent, quite juicy and crisp with a nice sweetness behind the typical Jalapeño bite of 5,000-10,000 SHU:

Baby NuMex Jalmundo. This pik is about 3 weeks old, so they are larger than this now, but as you can see, they are chunky pods:

If I was forced to pick a favorite Jalapeño, I would have a hard time, because every one I've grown was my favorite, at the time. I think as long as one uses good soil and the plant gets plenty of light, plus all the other care a good pepper grower needs to give his/her babies, it's hard to grow a bad Jalapeño...
I personally find that all my pods are hotter in mid summer
I've grown jalapeno M for many years and its a fairly good producer with great corked pods. This year I'm growing xtapas and they are also a fairly good producer with good sized pods and great corking
Sorry about waking up old thread...
What jalapeno variety is good nowadays...I am in a search for great tasting,decent sized and not the hotest jalapeno there is...I am thinking about jalapeno M?
Wow, you must be psychic milkman.  I was just searching all over for a jalapeno to grow.  Not been impressed with Biker Billy, Giant thought I'd go with M this season.  Seeds at Wally World.   Unless there is something better..LOL

think the M stands for MEXICO   :dance:
No problem getting a lot of different varieties, tasty-peppers have 54 vatieties-cant try them all.. That is why i am asking for great ones-the one which made jalapeno famous..
milkman said:
No problem getting a lot of different varieties, tasty-peppers have 54 vatieties-cant try them all.. That is why i am asking for great ones-the one which made jalapeno famous..
Zapotec is a really tasty one i tried and i can recommend in the actual jungle of hybrids.
I was hoping for real deal jalapeno for which jalapeno become popular...Too many hybrids and crosbreds but in this process because looking after size,scovilles original character is easy lost..
milkman said:
I was hoping for real deal jalapeno for which jalapeno become popular...Too many hybrids and crosbreds but in this process because looking after size,scovilles original character is easy lost..
Again, Jalapeno Zapotec is not an hybrid and as close to a landrace as you can get.
