I've got quite a few jalapeños coming along nicely, all ready for harvest, some even red now. What me and my mum started doing last year with our excess produce is marmalade, because it was quite easy. It started with plum marmalade, and yesterday I even tried my hand at beetroot marmalade. So onto my question; I want to make a jalapeño one.
The most basic recipe is essentially 500g fruit, 500g sugar (with pectin) and some lemon juice, easy enough. Firstly, I don't think I have a full 500g of jalapeño. Secondly I actually like the idea of mixing it with something. I'm currently leaning towards mangoes, but strawberries sound interesting too.
This brings me to why I'm here, I'd love to get a bit of advice. What do you reckon of my combinations? Will they work? Any experience? Or experience with other combinations? Plums did cross my mind, but sadly our plum trees rest this year, they produce fruit once every two years.
The most basic recipe is essentially 500g fruit, 500g sugar (with pectin) and some lemon juice, easy enough. Firstly, I don't think I have a full 500g of jalapeño. Secondly I actually like the idea of mixing it with something. I'm currently leaning towards mangoes, but strawberries sound interesting too.
This brings me to why I'm here, I'd love to get a bit of advice. What do you reckon of my combinations? Will they work? Any experience? Or experience with other combinations? Plums did cross my mind, but sadly our plum trees rest this year, they produce fruit once every two years.