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Jalapenos growing flowers already?

I have a tray of Jalapenos that are at least a month or so old, and they're all about 6 -8 inches tall, and all of the sudden I notice they're starting to make flowers. Really tiny ones. Is this normal? I expected them to just veg for the next 10 weeks and get all big and dark green. I was going to top them all too, to get their branches to grow more, but now i'm not sure. Anyone every had this happen?
yeah, i think i started them too early. by the time they go in the ground, they'll be freaking huge, and full of flowers. will it hurt to keep them on there? or if i pinch them, will they continue to grow bigger...
I also found it beneficial to remove the flowers and especially pods before putting them in my garden outside. They never seemed to produce very well when I left them on.
If you keep them on there they will produce pods which isn't bad depending on what you consider bad. I would leave them on there and then you can at least have a couple pods
Peppers throw flowers at nodes. Whenever a branch splits a bud will appear. If the conditions are right it will pollinate and grow a pod. There is no "vegging" for peppers.