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Jalepeno Help..

Hi all,

Just a quick question.. My jalepeno's leaves have all started going curly.. it has about 40 pods on it and they are starting to turn red but I'm getting worried about the leaf curl.. we've had a fair bit of rain lately, could it be due to overwatering?? I have some fish emulsion and some standard fruit / veg fertiliser.. should I give it a feed? Some of the leaves have been turning yellow with black/brown markings and dropping off as well.. the colour thing is also happening with a few of my other plants too..

any help greatly appreciated..

1. How wet is the soil? Does the dirt stick to your finger when you poke it?
2. Have you feed them anything yet?
3. How much light do they get?

It sounds to me from what you have already said that they may need a feed, i think lack of/too much calcium causes leaf curl sometimes. Keep in mind though that if a plant is loaded with pods and also in a small container the leaves with go weird sometimes because the plant is focusing on the pods. Blah blah blah :D

Yay it's FRIDAY!
as your resident cyber stalker (love ya nova :D) has stated, it can be due to a few things, but most likely to overwatering which is a major cause of root rot!!!

Is it one of the plants in the pots hanging on your pool fence (I think that was you :))?? Are any of your other plants doing the same thing or only the Jal??

Cause be that just the Jal has a bit of root rot, cause if the other plants are going ok then I wouldn't think it is the ferts or lack there of!!!

It's always a hard one to work out.....Pics please :)
It is raining at the moment so I'll check the soil once it dries up.. I have given them some fish emulsion and some normal fruit/veg fertiliser over the past few months.. they get full sun and are the pots on the pool fence.. the other plants arent getting curly leaves but are getting the yellowy thing..

I'll post some pics tomorrow when its daylight, how will I know if its root rot? the plants all have very good drainage and before this lot of rain I'd let them really dry out before watering them again.. They've all been doing so well! I picked my first scotch bonnet of the tree today too but that has a brown markings on the bottom.. :( I'll post some pics asap..

Soooo glad its Friday :) currently cooking some of my friday night Chunky Guinness Chilli Beef... mmmm... tasty :)
Here's the scotch bonnet.. i was going to leave it on but when I touched it the stem snapped.. soo... what do you reckon? I thought I'd leave it a day or two and see if it ripens up before I cut into it.. is it some kinda moldy sh!t?

Dunno, but I got mites... mites suck. I hardly see any pods cause the mites drain the life out of my plants before I even see any pods. And possums... possums suck too. They eat the plants. I'm gonna eat a possum soon.....
thta is an explosive ember too!

mites! i hate them!

would you believe, since that photo has been taken, the plant bounced back and grew another 4 or 5 leaves, then bloody poossums came and devoured it!! grrrr!
Mel that pods tells me that it's all due to the weather!!!!!

Nova suffered the same problem with his pods only a month ago.

To much rian will do that every time.........I have had the same thing happen over christmas in newy due to to much rian!!!

The same rain can affect the leaves on the plant.........Sadly, the only realy way to detect rot root is to pull the plant out of the pot and look at the rots.....AJ would be the best person to talk to about root rot as he lost half of his plants last year because of it!!
so that would explain why all my plants that i planted at mums have gone to shit too... too much rain over the last week!

i want to pull my hairs out!

mites and possums here,,, too much rain at mums!

is there a limit where its ok to say "i give up"????
if too much rain is causing yur problem and they are in containers...next time you plant up, I would highly recommend using a better draining soil...sand is your friend when it comes to drainage...I use a combination of 50% good potting soil, 30% compost, and 20% builders sand...
(sorry to cut in on your thread mel :oops:)

i've recently been using a mix of 25L potting mix (which already has decent drainage), 10L coir and 7L perlite... that's gotta be enough yeah?
moyboy said:
Mel that pods tells me that it's all due to the weather!!!!!

Nova suffered the same problem with his pods only a month ago.

To much rian will do that every time.........I have had the same thing happen over christmas in newy due to to much rian!!!

The same rain can affect the leaves on the plant.........Sadly, the only realy way to detect rot root is to pull the plant out of the pot and look at the rots.....AJ would be the best person to talk to about root rot as he lost half of his plants last year because of it!!

Hydrogen peroxide should ne the magic bullet, unlike K rudd that is a f***ing stoopid.
I'll use some sand next time.. I just figured 'cause it drains quite well I'd be safe... oh welll... fingers crossed its all ok.. i'll post some proper pics tomorrow..
I hope they recover for you...you have to remember....hot temperatures plus wet soggy soil in the bottom of the containers equals root rot...will damage the plants but if you catch it in time, use 1 Tbsp hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water...this will kill the nasties that are your problem...the mechanism of root rot is best compared to the plumbing getting stopped up...the bacteria enters the plants through the roots, then multplies...essentially blocking the path of water and nutrients to the upper branches...no nutrients/water = death for plant....

for leaf curl, try some epsom salt...the magnesium may help with the curling issue...
Thanks guys, I'll try some epsom salts.. and maybe do some investigative repotting.. rain is scheduled for tomorrow, so we'll see how we go.... I'm hoping its just due to all the pods on the plant but we;ll see... I;ll post some pics tomorrow for further investigation :) thanks again :)