Jalepenõ plant has stopped growing...

CaneDog said:
Nice!  I'd definitely go with the full 12 hours.  You can even set them to start early in the morning so combined with natural sun they get an even longer light cycle like 15 or 16 hours.  I don't know the light, but reading the spec's 35cm seems reasonable.  I'd start maybe at 50% power and bump them 10% every couple days until full power to be sure it's not too much for them.  LED's can burn sometimes and they might like a break-in period.
Between the new mix and the additional lighting I'd expect to see some really improved growth!
This a good guidance. I did full power with my two 100w quantum LED and burned my plants  :rolleyes: They did survive but did got some burnings marks. That Vogek LED is only rated 22w at full power. Its quite weak light. 
Karpasruuti said:
This a good guidance. I did full power with my two 100w quantum LED and burned my plants  :rolleyes: They did survive but did got some burnings marks. That Vogek LED is only rated 22w at full power. Its quite weak light.
It’s 72W
Noodles said:
It’s 72W
It's just marketing bullshit. Probably. Look at the comments. Someone measuret it took only 22W from the wall. If you can measure it consume atleast 72W. Then I believe you. Those power consumption meters won't cost much and are good to indigate do some companies be truthful or not.
A lot of great advice from veterans here already. I had similar issues, i.e. seedlings not growing at all for weeks. Repotted in a high quality mix and, well, lesson learned. Instant growth.

The only thing I might add, and it's not entirely necessary, is the pot/cup looks kinda big for the plant in the first pic. I've had better experience potting up more gradually, first to 2" pots, then 4" pots, etc. Nothing fancy, just whatever works. The tiny plants just don't transpire much, especially if it's cooler, so it can take awhile for the soil to dry (especially not good for peppers). Not necessary if stay vigilant on proper watering, but I think it can be more fool proof when you're just getting your bearings. Just my .02.

Also, I've burned plants with LED's too. Quantum boards are a different ball game, but the mfgr should have height/setting advice for different stages of growth. For 1000 watt board and seedling stage, they recommend 24" distance and 60% brightness. Of course YMMV.
For a week or two I think this light I bought is enough. I was thinking of buying a flood light or construction light? The free standing yellow ones. These work well for my purposes right?
Noodles said:
For a week or two I think this light I bought is enough. I was thinking of buying a flood light or construction light? The free standing yellow ones. These work well for my purposes right?
I have four 10W LED in a row. Works well for four weeks for three plants. They are cheap 3500-4000K flood lights.
I'm not so sure you'd want to be using those. Those things put off a TON of heat. I've had pepper plants grow with those in years past in my garage so they do work, though they were just regular flood lights I hung up so I could have light, but were very easily 30ft away from the plants. Nothing intended for actually growing plants, an there was also an excess amount of UV light occasionally from welding. 4 of those on for a few hours would bring the temperature in the 2 car garage up 20*F, even with a fan on. 

I use these inside and have great results. 
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If you want very cheap option I would go something like this: https://www.amazon.de/Radium-Downlight-Deckenausschnitt-warmweiß-Spritzguss/dp/B07FB2261V/ref=sr_1_10?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=floodlight+50w+4000k&qid=1619335558&sr=8-10
Good for seedlings. They are not the most efficient lights and won't last too long but the cheap option is cheap :) I would still consider this as a better option than halogen or fluorescent. I would only use fluorescent if you need UV more cheaply.
This is the light I use for adult plants: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33033487344.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.218b4c4d0iQhJ7
It will easily burn your plants if you start too soon with full power and too close.

Edit. If that flood lights breaks down you can buy driverless chip for 5 euros: https://www.ebay.com/itm/202405547242?hash=item2f204f8cea:g:BvAAAOSwgMBbdkpG

You have to solder two wires and maybe do some filing.
Awesome. Thanks I really like what you have for your grown plants. I’d love something like this. My issue is I really can’t mount that to my ceiling. I’d need some sort of stand/rig/rack that holds the lighting system above my plants. Any ideas or solutions there?
something like this? the thing is if I'm buying something like that, I want to be sure it's good for my purposes. don't want to buy a big set up like that, assemble it, etc etc, and it just isn't good for my set up and then I need to break it down and hope I can send it back and get a refund. I have 10-12 plants. jalapeños, cherry peppers, birds eye, and habaneros. if that is at all relevant.


Karpasruuti said:
If you want very cheap option I would go something like this: https://www.amazon.de/Radium-Downlight-Deckenausschnitt-warmweiß-Spritzguss/dp/B07FB2261V/ref=sr_1_10?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=floodlight+50w+4000k&qid=1619335558&sr=8-10
Good for seedlings. They are not the most efficient lights and won't last too long but the cheap option is cheap :) I would still consider this as a better option than halogen or fluorescent. I would only use fluorescent if you need UV more cheaply.
This is the light I use for adult plants: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33033487344.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.218b4c4d0iQhJ7
It will easily burn your plants if you start too soon with full power and too close.

Edit. If that flood lights breaks down you can buy driverless chip for 5 euros: https://www.ebay.com/itm/202405547242?hash=item2f204f8cea:g:BvAAAOSwgMBbdkpG

You have to solder two wires and maybe do some filing.
Here is that same plant now. Obviously a lot of growth and improvement. Whats everyones opinion or advice on pruning/topping?
Also the plant in the back is very weak. If I remove that stick I have in there propping him up, hell fall right over. Still growing as long as I leave the stick in. This should fix itself as it gets full grown and stronger right?


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Noodles said:
Here is that same plant now. Obviously a lot of growth and improvement. Whats everyones opinion or advice on pruning/topping?
Also the plant in the back is very weak. If I remove that stick I have in there propping him up, hell fall right over. Still growing as long as I leave the stick in. This should fix itself as it gets full grown and stronger right?
Pruning is a very over-played subject around here.  If you're going to prune, have a damn good reason for doing so (topping plants for better use of lighting is a good use, but you're far from that point).  Otherwise, just leave it alone, and let it do its thing.
If that other plant won't stand up without the sticks in place, then it's time to say goodbye to it.  It's fallen victim to damping off.
Noodles said:
Here is that same plant now. Obviously a lot of growth and improvement. Whats everyones opinion or advice on pruning/topping?
Also the plant in the back is very weak. If I remove that stick I have in there propping him up, hell fall right over. Still growing as long as I leave the stick in. This should fix itself as it gets full grown and stronger right?
Any update? I was wondering if the floppy seedling grew a backbone.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Any update? I was wondering if the floppy seedling grew a backbone.
No it’s still just laying down. Luckily it’s just a jalapeño. Not one of the ones that’s much harder to find in Germany. So I guess I’m ok with letting it go.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Interesting & strange  at the same time. Still alive & viable but the the stem unable to sustain normal growth. Weird.
I thought of rigging something up to prop it up and keep it standing. sort of a crutch. maybe a ring around the stem maybe 8 or 9 cm off the surface of the soil and 4 or 5 legs keeping the ring in place. but I don't know that this is a viable option.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Are there any signs of Damping off?
No. Besides the plant laying down, it seems perfect. But like I said, it’s only a jalapeño. If it were a birds eye, cherry, or habanero, I’d be real dissapointed. Jalapeños are not common here but I can find them with a bit of effort and being willing to take a train and a couple buses to a different area of the city.