
Is anyone growing Jalmundo?
I just ordered some seeds.


"LAS CRUCES, NM – Jalapeño fans take note—a new, jumbo pepper is now available for your eating and cooking pleasure. The New Mexico State University chile pepper breeding program recently announced the release of a large-size jalapeño pepper dubbed ‘NuMex Jalmundo’. According to Paul Bosland, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences at NMSU and co-founder of the nonprofit Chile Pepper Institute, “the name Jalmundo is a contraction of jalapeño and the Spanish word for world (mundo), implying that it is as big as the world.”

The jalapeño, sold fresh, frozen, canned, and pickled, is one of the most popular and most recognized chile peppers grown and consumed in the United States. Jalapeños were originally named after the city of Xalapa, Mexico, where they are traditionally grown. ‘NuMex Jalmundo’ originated from a hybridization between a bell pepper, (‘Keystone Resistant Giant’), and a jalapeño (‘Early Jalapeno’).

A new consumer favorite is the category of large jalapeños used for making poppers, breaded and deep-fried jalapeños stuffed with cheese that are popular appetizers throughout the country. “Fruits of ‘NuMex Jalmundo’ are perfect for use as poppers”, noted Bosland. The new jalapeno should please most popper enthusiasts; with a heat level of 17,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), ‘NuMex Jalmundo’ is considered to be medium hot.

‘NuMex Jalmundo’ seeds are available now from the Chile Pepper Institute at New Mexico State University at www.chilepepperinstitute.org, and will be offered next year through Renees Seed."

Not growing those but they look like a nice variety to grow. Maybe next season i'll give them a shot...
Thanks for sharing!
Hey, yeah, I've got one going. Just getting my first pods. I'll take some pictures when they get a bit bigger--not much to see at the moment.
I've grown 6 each of NuMex Jalmundo plants for the last 2 years.

Like most Jalapeños, they are very forgiving to grow, and respond well to fertilizer and frequent watering. They seem to be a little challenged by the extreme hot weather, but have been doing better since I increased their watering frequency.

Nice sweetness. Thick, crunchy flesh. Not quite as hot as regular Jalapeño. Color of the pods is lighter than regular Jalapeño.

I'm not a big Jalapeño eater, but I do enjoy growing them...mostly for my co-workers and my family.
Thanks, windchicken.

How ripe did you let yours get? I like to let my jalapenos go red before picking them. Do these change color?
I grew some. I purchased a variety of seeds from NMSU's CPI. All things grew true, except the Jalmundo. My growing conditions could have had something to do with it but they had no heat and weren't exactly "mundo." Wish I had grown more to see if I just had grown a fluke.

My choice was between the Jalmundo and Biker Billy. Next time I grow, it'll be the Biker Billy. However, there's quite a bevy of choices for bigger jalapenos. Tomatogrowers.com comes to mind, offers several choices.

Best of luck with your grow.
I grew some. I purchased a variety of seeds from NMSU's CPI. All things grew true, except the Jalmundo. My growing conditions could have had something to do with it but they had no heat and weren't exactly "mundo." Wish I had grown more to see if I just had grown a fluke.

In extreme heat Jalmundo seems to give only tiny pods. This year I am watering them more frequently to try to encourage the pods to fill out more. So far it seems to be working.
Good info from everyone. Thanks. It's been really hot here recently so I'll make sure and water them regularly.

I looked everywhere for Biker Billys but couldn't find them. I lucked into the jalmundo.
Good info from everyone. Thanks. It's been really hot here recently so I'll make sure and water them regularly.

I looked everywhere for Biker Billys but couldn't find them. I lucked into the jalmundo.

Burpee's website has them for sale. Kinda pricey for just 30 seeds tho.
Burpee's website has them for sale. Kinda pricey for just 30 seeds tho.

Yeah, thanks. After not finding any this spring I checked the website to make sure they were still offering them. I assumed that since they're still listed that I'd be able to find some somewhere but still nothing. Oh well. Hopefully the jalmundo will be good. I'm mainly interested in using them for poppers.
Peppers are coming in nicely. They're nice and plump but I was hoping for longer. I haven't tried any yet so I'm hoping they've got some heat to them.



Duff, those are gorgeous Jalmundos!

Here's the best one I've got right now (a little undersized due to 37 days of 100ºF plus temperatures). I like to wait until they are corked up real well, and just beginning to blush before I pick them. At that stage they still have a nice crunch, but the heat content is at its maximum. (Don't expect them to be real hot, it's just not their nature):

Looking good, windchicken. We've had lots of hot weather, too, so I took your advice and have been watering them frequently. I'm starting to see a bit of corking. Might have to sample one soon.
Looking good, windchicken. We've had lots of hot weather, too, so I took your advice and have been watering them frequently. I'm starting to see a bit of corking. Might have to sample one soon.

Cool, man. I'm glad that helped. Please keep us posted on their progress...
Wow, I was looking for those Jalmundo's and Duffman, your pictures look good! Does it give as much pods as the regular Jalapeno does?
I can't really say about the harvest. This is my first jalmundo and it got a bit of a late start. It's only 1 1/2 feet tall but I counted 24 pods. Pretty good, I think. I don't have any regular jalapenos going this year but last year my plant put out tons of peppers. I've still got some in the freezer even.

A couple are turning red. I'll take some pictures in a couple days.