Well , you're a good judge and I'll take some of your sauces; if you can give me a good price and delivery to Korea.I'm not that concerned, I like acidity.Though you could look it up and fine a little stick on key ring thing for the top to ad into sauce, when you've found an alkaline ingredient that matches you sauce, though not toothpaste mate. Quality black coffee is not alkaline , but it you may want to try some with you sauces if your unhappy. Bitter things like eggplant skin can help you tone down the bitterness. I'd contact JT Delaney, see if you can kife (steal) some Ghanaiian chilli seeds, and most importantly garden eggs (help with acidity) out of him for sauce.Tonic and juniper berry essense may help, anything bitter.Mulberries might sort it out.