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Jamaican Hot Chocolate


This has got to be genetics...These are Jamaican Hot Chocolates that are all the same age...6 weeks from planting, have been treated exactly alike because they have been next to one another since planting...Just curious about the one in the middle that is light green as opposed to the others that are dark green and look very healthy....this one will probably go into the compost pile when I plant out...

This one is the only one out of 400+ seedlings that has this coloration.

Do I need to pull it now in case of disease?

As the result of my aphid attack...I am going to toss about 80 or 90 plants...most of them have damage to the new growth leaves...now I am just hoping I will have enough to make my 200 plant out in 10 days...

I went over the plants one by one completely soaking them with neem oil yesterday while I was bottom watering....there was more damage than I originally thought...

This particular one caught my eye a couple of weeks ago and I have been watching it daily...

Agree on survival of the fittest...what's funny is that none of my superhots seem to have been infested...yet....it took me about 4 hours to water and treat yesterday.....
I don't think it's diseased, sometimes they just do that. You could probably give it some TLC and get it back on track, but since you have plenty, culling it is probably the way to go.

I wouldn't worry about the aphid damage too much as long as they're not showing any other signs of disease. They'll bounce back quickly from the aphid damage.
I wouldnt worry about it, some of my baby seedlings for JHC have sort of yellow leaves like yours, its probably just genetics.

Pam said:
I don't think it's diseased, sometimes they just do that. You could probably give it some TLC and get it back on track, but since you have plenty, culling it is probably the way to go.

I wouldn't worry about the aphid damage too much as long as they're not showing any other signs of disease. They'll bounce back quickly from the aphid damage.

oh i'd so pitch them, my guy didn't start showing the disease until after the aphids were taken care of and that's ultimately what did him in.

AJ you were having trouble choosing which plants to let go of anyways, this could be your deciding factor.
AJ just a thought but I've had several plants go yellow like yours a month or so ago that got too cold. You did say it was 25 degrees there a few days ago and was wondering how cold it gets in your garage. I tossed all that turned yellow on me. I think your ph may be a little high also and there might be nutrient lockout also.
I get infested every year but rarely do I lose a plant or have to throw any away.

I've had aphids on the Grenada Seasoning pepper that I've overwintered the last two winters. Last year it lost just about every leaf, but it came back fine. It's back out in the hoop house, looking like a sad under-lighted, overwintered pepper, but it's got new growth on most of its branches. Plus,there are always aphids outside in the spring. If I tossed every plant I had with some aphid damage, I'd never have any.
Since you got some extra AJ try a little experimentation on the plant. Maybe remove the infected leaves completely and then let it dry out real good then water and feed it a see what happens. Or like the rest of the people says throw him out and take care of the fittest. I just got done thinning mine out and whats wild the ones I really thought I have a hard time growing is the best ones. They all are looking good but those Nagas and yellow Habs are doing great.
I really don't think it is a disease since it has been this color since birth and has endured no hardships its siblings haven't......I have been watching it and it is almost like an albino...and you all are right....survival of the fittest just kicked in...

when it was 25 here toe other morning, the plants in the grow area were at a comfortable 76F...the grow area has an old electric "strip" heater below that keeps the area between 75-80 at night.....
If it were me, I would keep the plant just to see what happens. It looks like a genetic variation to me. It would be interesting to see what becomes of it later.

You might just have some interesting new variety there.