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Jamican Hot Chocolate...What Has Been Your Experience?

I think that the Jamaican Hot Chocolate is definitely on my grow list for next season. I love the look of this pepper.

For those that have grown this varitey, what has been your experience? Slow to germinate, size of adult plant, large/small harvests?

How about heat? Hotter than a Orange Habanero? Scoville units?

Its a damn nice pepper about the same heat to a choc hab in my opinion..my cousins favorite plants after his bhutts and moriches..prefers the jamican yellow and red to habaneros..for me i could not tell the difference..leave structure like a hab..but they seem much more productive plants,lots and lots of pods :)
I'm still trying to figure out which choc/brown C. chinense variety that I like the best, they are all so good.
I've only grown the jamacian hot choc. twice so far (last season & this season)
last season they grew better for me & got a decent harvest out of'em - considering whats normal for me for chinense types & my season length plus having my plants get hit with hail.
this season is totally different so cant hold it against the plants but not gonna get much from them this season just like all the others :(

I like their flavor/heat & as for heat IMO way hotter than a orange habanero. I never grew them from seeds but if I did I'd start very early so ya get a very good haverst from them, it'd be worth it to get as many pods of these as you can.
but I cant say if they're better than the choc.habs because I never grew nor tasted those.
Well, I just bought seeds from Tomato Growers so I guess I'll find out. A little early to be buying seeds for the 2009 season but I'm stoked and couldn't wait. What the heck.

PeteyPepper said:
Well, I just bought seeds from Tomato Growers so I guess I'll find out. A little early to be buying seeds for the 2009 season but I'm stoked and couldn't wait. What the heck.


Gives you something to look forward to Pete as i does for me :)
It's better to be prepared in time imo than to chase after seeds at a time when they should be in soil already.