• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jason's first glog 2017 (Aus)

Have been thinking about starting a glog for a while but last years disaster of a season put me off a bit.. fast forward to 2017 and things are looking up! So here goes..

First up I would like to thank jcw10 (Justin) for sorting out the majority of my seeds, as well as Cloudhand (Tom) for his generosity and The Hippy Seed Compony for their usual great service.

Now my list, just one of each plant this year to determine what I like. The ones marked OW are kept from last year:

1. 7pot Congo SR gigantic Red - jcw10
2. Joe's Long Cayenne - jcw10
3. MoA Scotch Bonnet - jcw10
4. Aji Margariteno - jcw10
5. Aji Pineapple - jcw10
6. 7pot Burgundy - jcw10
7. Cumari Do Para - jcw10
8. Bahamian Goat - jcw10
OW9. 7pot Yellow - THe Chilli Factory
10. Peach Bhut SS PL - Cloudhand
11. P.Dreadie SS SB - Cloudhand
OW 12. Chocolate Habanero - The Chilli Factory
13. Red Habanero - Gringo's
OW14. Tabanaga - THSC
OW15. Baby Morich1 - frutescense type - THSC
OW16. Baby Morich2 - chinense type - THSC
OW17. Scotch Bonnet Red - THSC
OW18. Jamaican SB Yellow (anuum) - Rahi
OW19. Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion - Rahi
20. Joe's Long/Yellow 7Pot - sharing a pot
OW21. Tabasco Red - THSC
OW22. Tabasco Yellow - Rahi
23. Bhut Jolokia Red - Cloudhand
OW24. Bhut Jolokia Caramel - THSC
OW25. Brazilian Starfish - THSC
OW26. Red Cap Mushroom - Digger's club
OW27. Hawaiian chilli - THSC
28. Nagabrains Red - jcw10
29. Orange Primo x BOC F2 - jcw10
30. White Bullet Habanero - The Chilli Factory
31. Aji Jobito - THSC + jcw10
32. Orange Manzano - Bunnings (believe it or not!)

So far I'm happy with the progress of my plants. I have very limited space and money so taking a mostly hands off approach. Some of the plants here germinated in mid September but already have fruit on them so very happy with that.

Anyway it's pic time.. first up my chilli patch.

Red Cap Mushroom is a cool shaped Anuum doing great

Yellow Tabasco (pretty sure this is actually an Anuum too

Choc Hab, beautiful plant, lots of flowers few fruit though

Baby Morich - this is the C. Chinense pheno of Tabasco x Naga Morich. This one is unique as it produces fat juicy pods. I have sent seeds back to THSC to grow out and hopefully they get the same pheno as its awesome and really productive too!

Tabanaga - this is a Tabasco x Dorset Naga by THSC

Orange Primo x BOC F2 from jcw10 looking scary!

Bahamian Goats loving the shape of these ones..

Cumari Do Para a bit bigger than I expected but that's a good thing I reckon

Aji Pineapple doing good

Joe's long cayenne is a magnet for grubs, already lost two huge fruit but I think I got them under control lol

Jamaican SB yellow but this is an Anuum. Has nice fruity taste but unfortunately thin skin. My biggest plant the pic doesn't do it justice

White bullet Hab got some fruit happening

Brazilian starfish is so tall and lanky

7pot Congo SR gigantic on the left and Aji Margeriteno on the right. Just under four months old and beginning to flower, fingers crossed I get pods on these soon.

7pot yellow woohoo!

Choc Hab on my left and Hawaiian (frutecense) on my right

Hopefully I have plenty more pics of peppers to come :)
White bullet habanero

Nagabrains red

Meant to be MoA yellow, quite spiky but not really the Bonnet shape but we'll see what happens..

Baby Morich 'fat' strain. My favourite chilli so far has awesome taste and the whole pod is squishy and juicy!

More Baby Morich fatty pods, all off same plant. Great production too..

Aji Jobito
Haha thanks guys compliments much appreciated! I love (actually hate winter) in winter following your glogs for inspiration and to see what I want to grow. Reading your glogs has been instrumental in my success so thanks :)
Jase4224 said:
Thanks! Lol I just responded in your glog before checking mine sorry
thats it!!! Unfollowed... :rofl: :cheers:
plants look great...where does the sun come up and move? it would look like they wouldnt get enough sun in a narrow space like that with objects on both sides but they look like they are flourishing...

My plants are between the house and the fence so it's a bit tight in there. The sun moves across the space so only four hours of full sunlight each day. I was really worried this would not be enough but it's plenty for them to grow like weeds and put on plenty of fruit. That's all I can ask for :)
Red Cap Mushroom

It's a C. Anuum and has a low to medium heat with typical Anuum flavour. I do like it because unlike a lot of other Anuums (like cayenne) it's easy to separate the flesh from the seed. Also looks cool and gets loaded with pods.
Hi guys sorry I've been so busy lately and haven't had time to update. Not to mention the fact that Photobucket is such a pain in the ass to use.

Anyway it turns out my plants have been just as busy churning out chillies and after a weekend in Melbourne I got back to see that my plants are really starting to get some ripe pods.. I picked these yesterday and picked another 1/3 as much today.

Here I have from left to right:
Red Cap Mushroom
Yellow 'Tabasco'
Fat Baby Morich
Yellow SB (Anuum)
White bullet Hab
Bahamian Goat
Cumari Do Para
Orange Primo X BOC

Can you spot the bonus Choc Hab and the Brazilian Starfish? ;)

And of course my Orange Primo X BOC. This is a small plant but is pumping out the pods it's awesome. Yet to taste due to being a bit scared lol

Today I added some Aji Pineapple's, MoA SB to the 'picked list' and in the next couple of days I should be adding Aji Jobito and P.Dreadie SS SB.

Pics to come..