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health Jays peach scorpion ,new growth black spots !!

So my jays peach has been growing black spots on new growth for awhile . I cut off all the leaves that had the spots even new growth it was growing . I cut off so many that I said he'll with it and topped it off , hoping to encourage new growth more quickly . It worked new growth was coming in fast but out of no where the last 2 days the black spots are coming back ???? You guys ever see anything like it ?? Here are 2 pics , thanks in advance , Carlos


maybe too much water?
cut back and then when you start again only water at root base not overhead
peppers can take some overhead watering as long as the water evaporates quickly if it sits too long the black spots form
thanks your friend Joe
Thanks Joe !!!!

I try real hard not to wet the leaves when I water . I did spray them with some cal mag friday because I have one plant that's growing fruit . Sucks because I thought I finally had this plant on track , this is the one plant apart from my Douglah and carolina reaper that I really wanted to play with in the kitchen . Any chance i might get it to bear fruit in the next 2-3 months , first frost in NYC is usually the end of October ?? So should I go ahead and clip the spotted leaves again ??
Redrum801 said:
Thanks Joe !!!!

I try real hard not to wet the leaves when I water . I did spray them with some cal mag friday because I have one plant that's growing fruit . Sucks because I thought I finally had this plant on track , this is the one plant apart from my Douglah and carolina reaper that I really wanted to play with in the kitchen . Any chance i might get it to bear fruit in the next 2-3 months , first frost in NYC is usually the end of October ?? So should I go ahead and clip the spotted leaves again ??
yeah iv think you will be ok
Redrum801 said:
…I try real hard not to wet the leaves when I water . …
Can you tell me why?

I find my plants thrive from rain, even the young ones. If it’s been too dry they even love to get doused with a spray from the hose but it’s not as good as rain. It’s my belief that wind, rain and sun help build the strong stalks my plants develop and without a strong stalk they’d break from the weight of all the pods or strong winds. So I for one always wet the leaves. Sure when they're seedlings I protect them but once they have their true set they're battling da elements.
The black spots could be caused by too much water or a deficiency of some element, I’d load up a spray bottle with Epsom solution and spray the leaves. Plus I'd remove the damaged leaf, good luck with them ...
Jamison said:
Not sure about the black spot but it looks like you have some kinda bugs messing with your plants. Ever check for aphids, etc.?
No I check all of them every night , underside of the leafs also . They did have some when I bought them and the chewed leaves was a caterpillar that hitched a ride along with the aphids on shipment from refining fire chiles . Other than that they seem to be bug free since then .

The black leafs have seemed to get worst overnight :( , ill take a pic and post when I get home . I was hoping to let them dry out but they got caught in a thunderstorm last night while I was on my way home from work , smh . I moved them under the awning on the back porch , they'll stay there until they need some water . I think I will spray them with some epson salt either tonight or tomorrow night . Just received my order of maxi-bloom , I'll be using that and stop using the MG tomato plant food I was using starting next week .
I have the same spots on some of mine.. plucking the spotted leaves did nothing just comes back. Did sulfur spray thinking it was a bacteria issue and it also had no affect.
I do however mist the leaves almost daily. But as I said all plants do not have the spots and the ones with larger leaves that do have water sitting for an extended time have no spots...
And I too have no bug issues. Soil is clean and not a 1 aphid or any other insects on any of my plants.
curious to see your outcome.. I stopped picking the leafs off mine and going see how it does lol
WalkGood said:
Can you tell me why?

I find my plants thrive from rain, even the young ones. If it’s been too dry they even love to get doused with a spray from the hose but it’s not as good as rain. It’s my belief that wind, rain and sun help build the strong stalks my plants develop and without a strong stalk they’d break from the weight of all the pods or strong winds. So I for one always wet the leaves. Sure when they're seedlings I protect them but once they have their true set they're battling da elements.
The black spots could be caused by too much water or a deficiency of some element, I’d load up a spray bottle with Epsom solution and spray the leaves. Plus I'd remove the damaged leaf, good luck with them ...
mine are exploded because of this rain here in sw colorado.  I might not of had a season if it wasn't for all this rain and clouds.   Try some epsom salt like Walkgood suggested and spray some cal/mag on them.  We get lots of wind in the early spring here also which made my plants super tough and huge stalks grew on them too.
When I got home last night almost all the new growth from me topping it had turned black . I got the cutting and I think I removed all of them , poor thing looks cracked out lol . I'll spray some epson salt on it tonight or in the morning and see if that'll keep them from going black again . I did find some webbing on the bottom and what looked like a spider . It was to big to be a spidermite and from what I've read on here you'd almost always find a bunch of them , not one singular bug . He got squished immediately , I proballly should've taken a pic of it . I'll see what happens and update in the next week or two .
Redrum801 said:
When I got home last night almost all the new growth from me topping it had turned black . I got the cutting and I think I removed all of them , poor thing looks cracked out lol . I'll spray some epson salt on it tonight or in the morning and see if that'll keep them from going black again . I did find some webbing on the bottom and what looked like a spider . It was to big to be a spidermite and from what I've read on here you'd almost always find a bunch of them , not one singular bug . He got squished immediately , I proballly should've taken a pic of it . I'll see what happens and update in the next week or two .
you have a mold issue
get a spray that kills it on the plant and in the soil as well
thanks your Friend Joe
hey thanks again joe , know of any household sprays i might be able to make ?? maybe peroxide and water ?? I read an old thread on garden web that it might be lack of  phosphorous and nitrogen . I doubt it as its potted up in
MG potting soil and I hit all my plants with tomato plant food at 1/4 strentgh at least three times last week . I checked the soil with a chepo meter and it comes in a tad under 7.
Redrum801 said:
hey thanks again joe , know of any household sprays i might be able to make ?? maybe peroxide and water ?? I read an old thread on garden web that it might be lack of  phosphorous and nitrogen . I doubt it as its potted up in
MG potting soil and I hit all my plants with tomato plant food at 1/4 strentgh at least three times last week . I checked the soil with a chepo meter and it comes in a tad under 7.
peroxide works  for so many things i would say yeah try it
thanks your friend Joe
H'm please keep us updated on how the peroxide spray works. All my plants come from the same place so I'm thinking my spots r the same thing sense it looks the same and u described exactly what a couple of my plants do..
Other than the couple plants with the spots my others I got from him are moving along nice
Also idk your preference on nute strength but I feed mine full strength and my soil fertility is usually a 2 the day after feeding and my plants are loving it. No fert burn and growing and flowering like crazy!!!
from what ive read online it might be something called  black spot disease and it is fungal like joe suggested .  A milk and water spray (2w to 1m ) is a oragnic way of conroling it . Maybe ill give that a shot before the peroxide .
edit : check that , the black spot disease refrence i made might be wrong , the descipition on thechileman site for it said the black spots are suken in and the underside is pushed out  , these just turn black , shrivel up and die .
so Came home and even after violating this plant the other day and stripping it almost bare more black stuff on the leaves . So i put a teaspoon of peroxide and water into a sprayer and sprayed the plant , lets see what happens .
Damn you can't catch a break lol..
Yea mine have been goin for about a month sense I last plucked on it. New growth occasionally has some spotting but it fades away.. really would like to know for sure what it is sense its the only issue I'm having.