• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff's glog 2013- Season is over.

So this is a little late in the year to start a glog, but what the heck, better late than never.

Last week I picked a few plants to take inside over the winter and I started a bunch of new seedlings that seem to be doing great.


Here we have a Hot paper lantern, and orange hab and two jalapenos. They were the only ones that made the cut to get taken to the new grow room. The paper lantern is a favorite because it is as hot as the orange hab, but without that hab flavor that I am not a huge fan of. I guess the only real reason the orange hab is here is if I decide to make a hot sauce over the winter and need a citrus tasting pepper. Other than that, I'm not a big fan. the japs were kept because the local grocery store can't seem to stock japs with any heat at all.

These are the seedlings planted in the last few weeks.


There are Bhuts, Fataliis, Tobasco, and Bohemian peppers. I have more seeds due to arrive in a day or two that should have some Butch Ts, giant jalapenoes, roma tomatoes and Cilantro.

The goal of that seed batch is to keep enough fresh tomato and peppers to make scalding hot salsa all winter long.

I plan on putting the tomato plant in a hanging arrangement in the corner of the room.


this is the first paper lantern to ripen under the HPS light. It looks more orange than red. The ones from the summer were bright red...I wonder if it has something to do with the light, or maybe it needs to ripen a bit more.

That's all for now. I'll post an update when I have more time.
Checked the plants tonight and sure enough, I have my first Chinese pod during the indoor growing season. This one is a Butch T and I am stoked. I have had a ton of flowers on the Fataliis, Bhuts and Butch Ts for a month or so but they don't seem to have any pollen being stuck in the basement and eventually drop. Once my full grown jalapeno started to flower again, I knew I was going to get pods because that plant has a ton of pollen. Hmmm, I told myself, intentional crosses will work fine to get some pods on the Chinese plants. I started with the Butch T a few days ago and did some Fataliis and Bhuts tonight so I'm hoping I'll see pods on them soon.


First Feb update. I have been remiss in keeping this up to date.

First Fatalii looking good. The Chinese still don't like to pollinate in the basement so I intentionally crossed them with a jalapeno that was flowering so I could get peppers growing.

First Bhut... er maybe. Seems a little round to me but it is still small so we'll see but I'm not holding my breath that it isn't a cross.

The babies. Tomatoes and a basil plant in front, but all peppers in back.

The clones and the struggling sprouts go in the home made hydro cloner.

More hydro goodness for the smaller plants

Several hydro tanks for the larger chinese to grow. This one is a Butch T. The one just to the right and out of the picture is a 7-pot yellow.

Overall shot of the little grow room. I'm out of room and still two months till they go outside.

What's that hanging from your light? Is it seaweed for compost tea or measuring distance from canopy or something else.

Looking good in there though, definitely a very green room.
your fatalii's looking freaky deaky!
and thats good :)

Looking like a jungle there, watch out for tigers!

Thanks. It does look like a jungle. I keep the door shut to maintain the heat and when I was watering the plants, my dog came in to visit. She got lost in there and I had to come back down and rescue her when I heard her yelping.

What's that hanging from your light? Is it seaweed for compost tea or measuring distance from canopy or something else.

Looking good in there though, definitely a very green room.

Ha ha. Nothing so cool. It is that yellow sticky fly tape. I pretty much won the battle with fungus gnats over the winter but any stray ones that happen to fly around get attracted to the yellow and get stuck.
Dang, has it really been since Feb that I updated this glog??? My how time flies. 
Well everything is outside now and the lights are shut down. 
Here is all the little plants, mostly in 1 gallon pots. 

The Pequin is happy and growing nicely. 

Yellow 7 pot. I have 3 others, this is the smallest of them all. 

Two Tepins. 

The smaller of my two Monzanos. The slugs enjoyed munching on the leaves one night. I bet they were surprised to find slug bait all over the ground the next night. 

Moving to the back where the bigger plants are, here is a Tobasco with several almost ripe pods. 

This is a plant I grew from seeds my wife's friend brought back (smuggled??) from the Bahamas. I think pepperlover sells these seeds and calls them Bradley's Bohemian, and I think Island Dan also has some and calls them a St. Lucia bird pepper. Either way, it grows wild on the islands and is really hot- 100,000ish. 

A few ripe Fataliis. I have 4 plants (probably too many) and 3 of them are in 4 gallon pots already so they will end up huge by the fall. 

This was labeled as Bhut Jolakai, but is some kind of red Hab. 

This is a very large Butch T. These, the not Bhuts, and the Fatalis were all the ones I started at the beginning of this glog in October last year. 

I have a few more pics to post, but that is my 10 without a bump. 
I reorganized a few pictures in Google+ so there are some photos missing earlier in my glog. I'll try to find them and edit those posts one of these days. 
Here are the rest of the pics from yesterday. These are mostly the hydroponic stuff.
Paper Lantern started from my seeds saved from last years plant.

This Brain Strain yellow is going to be a monster.

Prik Kee Noo Suan

This cayenne was in a hydro tank for most of its life but I pulled it and planted it a couple of weeks ago. It hasn't looked healthy or happy since. I had a bunch of hydro plants in the basement that I didn't have room for outside so quite a few went in pots. This is the only one that continually looks droopy. The others are fine.

Overall shot of the 10 hydro plants.
WalkGood said:
Plants looking good great outside, may you have a bumper crop production ^_^
Thanks Raymond for sending the good thoughts my way, I wish you the same for yours.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Nice hydro setup!
Thanks Chris, it was a lot of work to set up, I hope it is worth it for the harvest. We'll see.
Uppotting day. Most of the plants go in 4 or 5 gallon pots, and the last of the little ones get potted in 1 gallon pots. 

Cayenne- probably in its final 4 gallon home. 

Pequin in a 4 gallon. 

TSBT in a 5 gallon

TS Moruga in a 5 gallon showing a little slug damage. 

The other Moruga

Yellow 7 Pot

Another Y7

Bohemian pepper in its final 4 gallon pot. 

Scotch Bonnet Yellow

Monzano- again showing off its slug damage. 
All the plants got some slug bait on the new soil to keep those pests at bay during the wet spring. 
That is my 10. Could use a bump since I have a few more. 
This is without a doubt the biggest plant I have. A Butch T and I just transplanted it into what looks to be a 12-15 gallon pot. It is flowering like crazy but not really setting pods yet.

Since there is so many of us using irrigation systems this year, I thought I'd show mine. I bought everything from irrigationdirect.com . There is about 20 plants here and there is another dozen or so in other locations along the drip line route back to the hose bib. Still not enough for all of the potted plants once they all require large pots. I'll probably have a row or two on the grass to the left of this bed before July.
The emitters are 1/2GPH. I don't have the timer set up yet because it has been so wet this spring, but that is on the to-do list.

First couple of 7Pot Brainstrains. This plant is in the hydro tank.

These were the last of my small ones in 4" pots. I just upgraded them to 1 gal pots. That makes about a dozen plants in 1 gal pots that I have to find a permanent home for somewhere in the already full garden. If I remember correctly, from the left: Hungarian hot wax, tepin, Bhut Jolokai, tobasco, Brainstrain.
Thanks for stopping in Shane but I don't know about you learning a while lot from my grow, but I do find yours very interesting. 
For starters...we're gonna talk about that DIY hydro setup you got going on! I have really wanted to start dabbling in it, and may actually bite the bullet and start piecing one together soon. I figure a couple hundre Coi in my swimming pool pond would be a great start!
Thanks Shane, since you have the interest, I'll snap some more photos of the system. Not tomorrow though. Tomorrow is the highpower league at the range so I'll be spending the evening at the 3 and 600 yard range seeing if the sling can double as a tourniquet in a pinch. Maybe I'll break into the 170s...Very possible at 600 slowfire, but my 300 rapid isn't that good. 
Back on topic, the system is 10 buckets with drip lines into large net pots or buckets full of lava rock. They drain back to the reservoir which is partially buried to keep it cooler in the summer. 