• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Jeff's glog 2013- Season is over.

So this is a little late in the year to start a glog, but what the heck, better late than never.

Last week I picked a few plants to take inside over the winter and I started a bunch of new seedlings that seem to be doing great.


Here we have a Hot paper lantern, and orange hab and two jalapenos. They were the only ones that made the cut to get taken to the new grow room. The paper lantern is a favorite because it is as hot as the orange hab, but without that hab flavor that I am not a huge fan of. I guess the only real reason the orange hab is here is if I decide to make a hot sauce over the winter and need a citrus tasting pepper. Other than that, I'm not a big fan. the japs were kept because the local grocery store can't seem to stock japs with any heat at all.

These are the seedlings planted in the last few weeks.


There are Bhuts, Fataliis, Tobasco, and Bohemian peppers. I have more seeds due to arrive in a day or two that should have some Butch Ts, giant jalapenoes, roma tomatoes and Cilantro.

The goal of that seed batch is to keep enough fresh tomato and peppers to make scalding hot salsa all winter long.

I plan on putting the tomato plant in a hanging arrangement in the corner of the room.


this is the first paper lantern to ripen under the HPS light. It looks more orange than red. The ones from the summer were bright red...I wonder if it has something to do with the light, or maybe it needs to ripen a bit more.

That's all for now. I'll post an update when I have more time.
Just a little update because I was playing with the camera on my new Galaxy S4. 13 megapixels is pretty cool and beats 8 any day. 
Baby Butch T, already sporting a stinger.

First and largest Brainstrain. Nice and bumpy. 

Hungarian Hot wax?!?!?!? They are annums. Why the heck are they growing up?


A couple of hydro pics. First, the buried reservoir to keep the water cooler during the hot summer. 

This kind of gives you the idea of how the drip buckets drain back to the reservoir. Ten plants in the hydro tank for now and 9 look real happy but my tepin doesn't seem to like it in there too much. I'll yank him out and put him in soil in a week or two if he still is struggling. 

Looks like spring has sprung in Ohio!  Plants are looking great.  For the ones that do like the hydro, can't wait to see how big they get!  Probably will be monsters.  Your Hungarian Hot Wax may be a cross or otherwise not true.  I do have some annuums that grow up.  Yellow Cayenne, for example.  But I'm pretty sure the Hungarian Hot Wax is supposed to be pendant.  Regardless, looks like a productive plant!  I have a number of "nots" that grew.  Oh well, keeps things interesting. 
Just a small update, hydro plants mostly. 
The Butch T is getting really large. I pulled it to check its roots but couldn't hold the plant and the camera so here is the plant sitting in its bucket. 

Looking at the pods on teh Butch T, most of the smaller ones have nice stingers but not all. Some do, some don't, but the larger ones that don't are the first pods of the season so that doesn't really mean anything. 





Next shot is the Brain strain yellow in the center taking over all the space. Paper lantern on the left and puny Tepin on the right. The tepin looks healthy but isn't growing much. 

Brainstrain pod pics. 

Sorry for the out of focus pepper, I was trying to get a group shot but it didn't turn out well. There is a ton of peppers on this plant. 

Better shot here. 
Little prik with a ton of flowers and small pods. 
This is just a small update, barely worth it, but the rain won't stop long enough to get some decent pics. 
At this point, all of the plants are healthy and growing like weeds, especially the Butch T and Brain strain in hydro. Those two are enormous and loaded with pods. Pics when it dries out. 
Pulled a couple of ripe ones off today to try ( I only eat small slivers of the supers) and I'll dry the rest that I don't eat. 
The first Butch Ts don't have stingers but most every one on the plant does, I guess the 1st pods just have a little variation. 

First yellow brainstrain. This was pretty tasty and HOT, but not as hot as the BT. About Bhut heat I think, maybe a little more. I'll probably grow red next year to see if they are hotter, but truthfully this is plenty hot for me. 

Nice looking pods dude. Some of the pics didn't show up for me and showed me what looked like a grey do not enter symbol. Might just be me though.
Hmmm, I must have moved the pics that aren't showing up. I still have them, let me see if I can find tehm and change the link so they work. 

There, links fixed on the new posts. Stupid free photo sharing site. I guess I got what I paid for though. There is still some broken links in the old posts. Too much effort to find the original pics now. 
Update time
Butch T hydro. TOns and tons of pods

The butch T hydro is one of the tallest plants I have on July 2nd. I can't imagine what it will look like in Sept. 

Cayenne hydro is making gigantic pods. almost twice as large as the soil ones. 

Overall hydro shot of the 8 plants. 

Soil Ghost pepper. 

Soil Moruga. Scary one there. 

Yellow brain hydro, tons of pods on this plant. 

Paper lantern in soil is actually doing better than the hydro one, but only a little bit better. 

Look for Fataliis to be for sale soon, I have way more than  need. Here is one of too many plants. 

That is all the time I had today. See you next time. 
I've been out of town for the last few days and had my automatic watering system all set up to take care of the plants....but it rained and rained and rained the whole time I was gone and then my irrigation system watered them some more promptly at 8uPM every night. When I came home today, it rained more......
This is turning out to be a very interesting and wet year. The farmers must be loving it thoug because the corn looked like shit last year during that bad drought and it just bursting with life this year, so I really shouldn't complain about the rain, but the pepper plants could use a heck of a lot less water than we are getting. 
No pics of the plants in this update because they are all drooping and sopping wet, but I did harvest the ripe fruit. Counterclockwise from the top left: Yellow Brains, TSBT, quite a few fatallis, red jalapenos, cayenne and tobasco. 
Just about all of the fatallis were picked off of one plant. I have three. I think I'll be drowning in them this year as more ripen every day. 
Jeff H said:
Hungarian Hot wax?!?!?!? They are annums. Why the heck are they growing up?

I grew some Burpee "habaneros" last year that turned out to be Hungarian Wax.  They all started growing upwards, although they weren't as pointy as yours.
Dude, those hydro plants are insane!  Looking great.  Nice harvest.  I agree with you that the yellow supers are plenty hot.  I personally think they have a better flavor, as well.  Those Fataliis are productive, aren't they?
Update time. 
The TSBT hydro is clearly the largest plant and probably the most prolific so far. Standing 4' tall in July, it is a monster already. 



This pair of Morugas are the next largest. They were in 5 gal pots and were very root bound. I transplanted them into a 7 and a 10 for now, they were the largest I had on hand. 


Here is the forest of tobasco plants. I have one more somewhere else in the garden. This will be great for the sauces and powders this fall. 

Tobasco hydro. Bigger than the soil ones, but not by much. 

Paper lantern hydro, doing good but the damn pods are mocking me and not ripening. 

Ghost pepper. About 40 pods on this plant, none red but a few are pretty large. 

Holy crap, you read it here first. This is the first successful TSBT clone actually showing new growth. The cloning technique was highly complex and didn't involve cloning machines, or hormones. I put it in a bowl of water by a window in a dimly lit room and left it alone. It was a couple of months before I had roots long enough to transplant, but it did work. All of my more technical attempts have failed so far. 

Can't beat that!
I'm impressed with your Ohio grow!
Will be there on Thursday for a visit, interested in my brothers Vermillion grow..gonna point him to your grow!
Devv said:
Can't beat that!
I'm impressed with your Ohio grow!
Will be there on Thursday for a visit, interested in my brothers Vermillion grow..gonna point him to your grow!
Thanks for stopping in Devv, the weather in Ohio has been hot and sunny this week, perfect for pepper growing. Enjoy your visit.
Looking good, Jeff.  That Butch T is beast!  Glad to see your harvests picking up.  Pods look great.  Don't you just love green pods that mock you?  Happens to me frequently.
muskymojo said:
Awesome grow you got there Jeff! I really dig the hydro setup.
I need to check out the glogs more often. 
Thanks for stopping by MM. The hydro system is really doing well. I'm pretty happy for my first outdoor experiment. I have a few changes to implement for next year so stay tuned for the 2014 grow. The hydros next year should be off the charts.
DocNrock said:
Looking good, Jeff.  That Butch T is beast!  Glad to see your harvests picking up.  Pods look great.  Don't you just love green pods that mock you?  Happens to me frequently.
Howdy Doc,
The green pods are mocking me, but I can deal with it on the chinense because one super goes a long way. The most aggravating ones are the tobascos and the little thai peppers. There are hundreds and hundreds of green pods on them and they seem to only ripen one at a time. Maddening.