• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

jessxcr's 2011 Grow Log

Ok. Well I started some Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpions a few weeks ago and have received tremendous help on this site and will probably be picking peoples brains all season. I will try to not be a bother ;). People have been very helpful here, and by some trial and error on my part and learning from all of the seasoned veterans here, hopefully I will have some success right of the bat.

Below is a pic of my setup. I'm just using some T12 shop lights I had with one cool and one warmer bulb in each. I just added some reflective material that came in an insulated box at work and it brought the temp up to about 77. It was only about 65, which I have found may have been contributing to some slow growth. I just have a cheapo thermometer sitting in the box. I have more seeds germinating in a heated Jiffy greenhouse. I didn't use the peat pots that came with it though. I used some organic seed starter and once the seedlings came up I could not keep the soil at the right moisture so now as they sprout up I am immediately moving them to these styrofoam cups and have been bottom watering them as suggested by a lot of you.


Here is a pic of my first true leaves starting on some Bhuts. It's pretty exciting seeing new growth. This is now the 3rd week for some of them and I was getting a little worried as it has been pretty slow going.


I also notice on some pics I see on here, when the plants emerge from the soil, some of your peoples starter leaves are so much bigger. My plants just seem small compared to others. I'm hoping raising the heat level now a few degrees and once the starter leaves come out they will get going. I still have some others that don't seem like they have grown at all in the past couple weeks. Here is one of those:


I'm looking forward to getting at least a few plants that are successful this year. I have about 8 more Scorpions and maybe 14 Bhuts waiting to sprout.
Catching some rays. First time outside. I let them sit out there on the porch for 30 minutes today. It was about 62 here in MN today.


The Bhuts really have taken off in the last 10 days since I potted them up to the #1 containers. If they keep at this rate, they won't be in there for very long.
Potted my bhuts up today to their permanent homes. Don't they look cozy!


I saw roots coming out the bottom of the #1 containers so I figured it was time.

Man those roots are looking awesome! Your plants are coming along nicely jessxcr. Looking forward to reading more of your log. Best of luck to you.
It's been 1 month since my last post. We have had some weird weather in MN. I work all day so I have been trying to position my plants around my house so they don't get too burned on hot days. Today was 94 degrees and tomorrow it's supposed to only be in the 60s. Plants got a little crispy on some leaves the past couple days but the new growth looks good.

One on the left is a Orange Hab. Middle 3 are Scorps and the right 4 are my Bhuts.


Side shot of the Bhuts.


Here you can see some of the sunburn. They have been getting some abuse from the crazy wind and hot temps.


The new growth looks good though.


I just got a macro lens for my EVO. It works wonders compared to without. There is a little bud starting. I was pinching up until this week but I'm going to let it go now.


This Bhut is branching out nicely. You can see the sunburn on the leaves.


These Scorpions have been giving me a hard time all year. The leaves keep doing this crap. I have been giving them Cal/Mag and I definitely haven't been overfertilizing them. I plucked off the leaves that looked like this about a month ago and it came back nicely. Now it's starting again. I just don't know...

Those bhuts are looking good! I'm a little behind you right now. My garden got hammered with hail and heavy rain a few times, but things are starting to really take off now. I'm still a bit ahead of where I was last year and it was a great year, so I'm happy. It's just hard to be patient! :)
Well, here we go! Looks like I have some baby peppers going. I was just getting ready to ask how long it takes for peppers to set once the flowers open up and I went and looked in a flower and to my surprise there were a few little bhuts poking their heads out.


This one is really bushing out.


My scorpions are coming around. I think I will keep giving them some Cal-Mag more often. They seem to look up everytime I feed them with it. The other plants don't seem to need it as much but boy do these start to wrinkle up after not having any for a week or so.


Jalapenos and Orange Habs.


It's exciting to see my first few peppers setting. I'm sure my neighbor thinks I am a freak. I get home everyday after work and go right to my plants and inspect them. :)