Jigsaw and throat burn

Storm broke a few branches.  Had a couple of jigsaw pods on a broken branch.  I took them in even though they were mostly green.  Put half a pod in my mouth, chewed, swallowed.  Really hot despite being green, but then something odd happened.  I took a sip of water and it burned all the way down with more heat than the pepper.  It was an instant heat as the water hit my throat.  Lasted only a few seconds.  During that time, could not breath cause of the fumes.
Kind of an odd thing.  Water doesnt much decrease the burn, but I have never had it make it hotter.
Now why did you have to go and post that?! ;-)
I'm still standing here looking at my Jigsaw loaded with green pods. My son keeps teasing me to go ahead and try one of the green pods off my Jigsaw, BBM or Chocolate Scorpion.
To him, looking through my pepper patch, those are the biggest looking pods.
Bruitaldiver, is this your first time growing / having jigsaw?  One green pod doesnt convince me of anything, but if it is an indication I am thinking it is the first I have ever grown with its particular neat burn.  Many are over the top hot and do burn going down, but this really seemed water activated.  It was really neat.
ajdrew said:
Bruitaldiver, is this your first time growing / having jigsaw?  One green pod doesnt convince me of anything, but if it is an indication I am thinking it is the first I have ever grown with its particular neat burn.  Many are over the top hot and do burn going down, but this really seemed water activated.  It was really neat.
I had a couple pods shared with me last year from fellow forum member JeffH but have not been able to grow one till this year.
The pods I sampled last year were great. I loved the flavor. From what I recall the heat hit right away but had the decency pf started with a dull roar rather than full on instant blowtorch heat. I remember having plenty of time to actually taste the pod before the searing pain started.
You have me curious. I may go out and try a green one tomorrow just to see.
Had very little luck with the Jigsaw the past couple of years. Frustrating as I have probably put down 60-80 seeds from a few different growers and nothing has really taken off for me. 

Only one I got to try, tasted pretty awful, although it burned horribly all the way down. 
TamTam, you saying it burned all the way down has me thinking maybe I am not as off as I thought.  Have not had other peppers burn the throat like this one.  Mouth to stomach.  Usually a bit at the top and bottom, but I could feel it all the way as it slid down.
On germinating: I get the feeling that seeds for newer varieties are often rushed and not as good as more established peppers. Probably not your fault, but consider using a chicken egg incubator.  The little ones are less than 50 bucks US and they really do increase the hell out some fertility rates.

BrutalDiver, do it!  Not saying I am happy about the wind that we keep getting, but am finding that often there is a very distinct difference in flavor.  It is almost like I have grown two varieties for every one I grew.  Had some green moruga today.  Chopped them up with green bell and sprinkled on chips, then melted cheese on it.  My daughter and I took turns eating a chip n playing pepper roulette.  It was huge fun.
I have good germ rates with everything usually. I use a reptile heatpad and a little humidicrib. Only a couple of standout fails, the Jiigsaw being one of them. I agree, probably just average seed stock....I remember where I got them. 
TamTam, give me a couple months and I will have seeds.  Trade me for something and we can both become international smugglers.  Thinking you guys have huge laws on that stuff after that whole problem with rabbits.